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"Hello" I answer the call after walking a little further away from the guys. "Y/n you're okay right?" He asks. "I'm fine babe" I say. "You said you'll be back soon so I was worried" he says. "Aw... Yes I'll come soon. Don't worry I'm with a few friends now" I say.

"Oh alright. Come back safe" he says making me smile. "I will. Bye" "bye!" I hang up and sigh. Well that wasn't bad. I turn around to see all the guys standing right behind me. "You guys were listening?" I ask, and they turn around looking at absolutely anything else but me.

"I might have to go back home in a while" I say making them turn to face me with pouts on their faces. "Don't do that" I say trying my best not to laugh. "Can we hang out more. When we're free" minghao asks. I nod smiling "of course" I say.

"Okay come on. Well drop you" seungcheol says."Oh no no. I can-" he cuts me off. "You're not going alone" he says. "Yeah. And we get to spend a few more minutes with you" vernon adds. There's no way I'm saying no to Vernon.

"Okay then" I say smiling. Once again, Chan and Soonyoung beat everyone else to walk beside me, holding each of my hands. "How's work?" I ask them. "Tiring" they both say in unison and I can't help but feel bad.

"Are you guys eating well and resting well?" I ask again. "Yes. But there are some days where we have to stay up working till late. And then there's diets..." Soonyoung says. It did worry me that they looked even a little skinny.

"Oh. I'll make sure you guys eat well" I say and they chuckle. "Are you eating well?" Chan asks. "I am" I say and he nods.  "I missed you so much" soonyoung says laying his head on my shoulder.

"I did too. I'm sorry I didn't remember you guys" I say thinking of the times they would try to talk to me. "That's okay. Atleast we got to see you" Chan says. "Yeah. That's there" I reply.

"You guys want to come in?" I ask, standing in front of the door. "No. It's alr-" I cut Seokmin off and pull him inside. "Uh... Babe?" We both turn towards the voice, to see Hyunsik standing near the staircase.

I quickly let go of Seokmins hand. "And may I know who you are?" He asks looking at Seokmin. "H-he's one of my friends" I say. "And they're your friends too?" Hyunsik asks pointing towards the door. I look to my side to see all of the guys peeking through the door. They might just get me killed one day.

Hyunsik looks at me once before walking back up. Okay he's definitely annoyed. "Hyunsik. Wait!!" I run behind him. He dashes his room door closed and I flinch by the sound.

"Are you alright? I'm really sorry Rose" Seokmin says, rushing to my side. "I'm fine. And it's not your fault" I say. "Rose!!" "Are you okay?" "What was that sound?" The guys come rushing up, loading me with questions. I sigh "I'm fine and it was just the door" I say. "I'm sorry for all of this. You guys can just go back home now" I add.

"We'll talk to him" Jihoon says. "Yeah... He probably just misunderstood" Junhui adds. "It's alright. I'll talk to him. You all probably have work tomorrow" I say. "Chan, Take her down" seungcheol says. Chan drags me all the way down almost making me trip, before I could even reply.

"Don't be so obedient to your hyungs" I say making him laugh. "I'm just born that way" he says "sure you are..." I reply sitting on one of the couches. "They wouldn't scold him right?" I ask. After all I'm the one that started this all. "They won't" Chan says sitting beside me.

Heyyy... Bare with this update pls. I don't know what I'm doing anymore😂...
Anyways thanks for reading!!!
I love you all♥️♥️

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