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Your POV

Locking up the door to the cafe I adjust my coat before starting the long walk home. The wind is cold as it hits my face. The winter draws near, darkness taking over the skies. Kicking little rocks on the way I hum a little song. The day was exhausting. Coming to work extra early and working for extra hours as well. Well, being independent does need hardwork. Pulling me away from my thoughts my phone starts to ring. Grabbing the ringing phone from my pocket I smile at the name on the screen.


"Hey babe" his honey like voice is honestly so calming, helping me to relax abit and loosen up. "Hey" I reply with just as much enthusiasm. "Wanna go out tomorrow umm... maybe for dinner, since its sunday and you'll be finishing early" I sigh as the words leave his mouth. I've not told anyone about working extra hours. Not even hyunsik, the one person I trust. Being able to pay the rent and for my food has been hard but i still found a way through it. "Yes, sure" I guess I'll have to just leave early tomorrow. "Thank you babe. I cant wait to see you tomorrow" he replies "I cant wait to see you too!" Before I know it I'm smiling like an idiot.

Hearing him chuckle from the other side of the line makes my heart beat like crazy. "So what are you doing now?" He asks. Well guess I'll have to open up to him now. "I just finished work at the cafe" I reply slowly before the line goes silent. "Why so late babe" he asks. "I had to collect up for rent dont worry. It's good now." I assure him. " let me pay for you honey. I've asked you many times to move in with me as well." Taking in a deep breathe I speak "I know hyun... but I want to do this. And we've been through the moving in convo a bunch of times." Giving up he sighs "yeah...okay. I'm gonna stay on the call until you reach home alright?" He asks. "Okay I guess..." I chuckle . For the next half an hour hyunsik does as promised. Constantly making jokes and also saying all lovey dovey things. My best friend since high school, And now the most supportive boyfriend. We've been through alot together. And I am really grateful to have a man like him in my life. Reaching the door to my apartment we bid each other a good night before hanging up. Well... today was tiring, luckily hyunsik was there to cheer me up.

Well.... chapter one done. Well that was a total flop. Thanks for reading this and if theres anything pls feel free to comment or message.

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