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??? POV
I ran to the girl that was now laying on the floor with a few cuts along her arm and cheek and thats when I felt like my whole world just shattered. "GUYS!!" I screamed at the other three that went following the two men from earlier. Breathless, they come back only to have the same reaction I did. "R-Rose?" The younger one slowly nudges the girl who we've looked after and treated as our own sister since young only to get nothing as a reply. The guys continue to nudge and shake the unconscious girl while I helplessly look at them, lost in my own thoughts. 'what if we hadn't passed by this side on time. Something could've happ-' I was cut off from my thoughts when the younger ones called out to me "hyung let's take her to the dorm and treat her wounds" I nodded and slowly lifted the unconscious girl into my hands.

"What happened to her" "why does she have a cut on her cheek" "why is she even unconscious?" The rest of the guys load us with questions as I slowly place her on my bed. "Guys let's just let her rest and help her back to her place once she wakes up. Alright?. For now let's just see to the bruises." The boys nod in response.

My eyes land on the youngest one's as the rest of the boys slowly leave the room. "Jisoo, get the first aid box please" I ask and he nods leaving the room as well. I walk up beside the younger one that's still pouting while looking at Y/n. "Channie" I slowly pat his back and he turns to look up at me. " What happened to noona?" He asks, making me immediately soften at the sight of how vulnerable he is as his eyes sparkle with the tears that are threatening to spill any moment. Indeed Chan was loved by Rose just a little more since he was the youngest. "Some guys were chasing her and luckily we came there on time" I said trying not to make the younger one sad by telling him exactly what had happened. He nods turning back to face Rose, pushing off a strand of stray hair behind her ear.

Joshua comes back with the first aid kit and I tend to her bruises while the two silently watch. That is until a phone rings making all three of us flinch. the three of look at each other and then at where the phone that's ringing is. Y/n's pocket. I signal Chan to get it. Hesitating at first, he does what I say. The phone goes silent before it starts ringing again with the name Hyunsik written on the screen. "That's probably the guy that took her from the cafe" Joshua says and I nod in response. "Do we answer it?" Chan asks looking up from the phone in his hands. "Yeah, give it to me". I take the phone and answer the call.

Omg guys this sucks so bad. Idk if I should actually continue this. I'm running out of ideas...

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