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I stir in my bed, pulling up the blanket to cover my eyes as light seeps into the room through the curtains. Grabbing the phone from my bedside table I check the time, 7.28 shows brightly making me squint my eyes a bit. Letting out a loud sigh I slowly get up. Walking straight to the bathroom I do my usual morning routine, washing up right after. Hyunsiks gonna take me out for dinner so I will have to dress well. Searching through my closet i pick up a cute but simple dress. Dressing up I tie my hair up and apply light makeup. Well, i look presentable now. Satisfied with my look I take my phone and bag along with a coat, locking my door and starting my way to the cafe.

"Good morning Mr. Park" I greet my boss standing behind the counter, a cup of coffee in his hands. He looks up smiling brightly and I mirror his actions. "Good morning Y/n. And also stop calling me Mr. Park, you make me feel old" he says. I giggle making my way towards the counter "you're my boss Mr. Park I need to respect you" I continue to annoy him. He slowly leaves the mug on the counter now facing me, to my luck he isn't very tall. "Do you want me to fire you?" He tries to act tough. I stare at him in horror before we both burst out in laughter.

"I'm gonna go leave my stuff" I say trying to control my laugh. He nods in response "and you better call me Jimin from now" he adds. "Sure" i say teasingly, walking over to the employees room. I leave my coat and other belongings, grabbing my apron with my name imprinted on it from the locker and putting it on. Theres only a couple of minutes left till work starts, and as usual the other workers are late. I prepare the place for the customers that will fill this place in just a bit, brewing a few coffees that everyone usually comes in for while talking with jimin. Honestly jimin does not feel like a boss at all, hes really kind and the fact hes really young as well makes him different to the others. Within a few minutes the rest of my fellow employees come along with customers filling up the queues.

The day is tiring as usual until the cafe gets empty at around 5.30pm. "Jimin..." I turn to face him. He hums in response, looking away from the phone in his hand."is it alright if I leave at the normal time today?" I ask in a low voice. He smiles "of course Y/n. I'd recommend you do that always though. You need to take care of yourself." Theres not a hint of anger, but worry evident in his voice. "Thank you and yes I will try."

"Its obvious that pizzas are better"
"Um... no burgers are!!!"
"Sure they are..."
"Guys stop screaming please"
Me and jimin turn towards the loud voices, and there stood1,2,3,... 13 guys. God, this is gonna be hard.
Two guys come forward, looking at the menu and carefully going through all the items while theres pure chaos in the back. The taller guy looks up eyes widening as his own meet mine. "Uh... how can I help you sir?" I ask only to get the continuous staring as a reply. I look at Jimin, who moves to stand in front of me slowly pushing me to stand right behind him. "How can we help you sir?" Jimin asks in a cold tone. "Ah... yes" one speaks before placing his order. While preparing the coffee and pastries along with Jimin I cant help but feel the little glances the guys give me. I pick up the tray to give the food to the guys before Jimin stops me. "I'll give it. You can help the others" he says. I nod and walk off to help the rest of the employees with clearing up.

I'm sorry this is boring....

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