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Your POV
The day went by quicker than I thought and before I knew it, it was already 10.30pm. I sigh looking at the time, 'just half an hour more' I think to myself. The rest of the few customers that are in the store start to slowly leave within the next half an hour. Removing my apron I place it in the locker while packing up my bag. "Shall I drop you off?" Jimin asks from behind me, startling me. "Oh... Thank you very much but I guess I'm in the mood to walk home" I chuckle nervously. He nods while wearing his coat. "Go home safe" he says and I nod with a smile.

I walk out of the store with Jimin following behind. Looking around the empty streets i see the snow slowly falling until the ringing of my phone pulls me away from the beautiful view.
Hyunsik💫🖤 I smile at the caller ID. "I'll get going. Take care" jimin says. "You too" I say with a smile as jimin walks towards his car. "Hey" I answer the call. "Hey beautiful. Shall I come pick you up?" He asks. "I wanna walk home today" I whine. Hearing him lightly chuckle from the other side of the phone I can't help but to smile.

"You love walking more than you love me" he says and I can practically picture him pouting. "Cute" I laugh"not cute" he says and we continue arguing for the next 2 minutes. "Ah... I'm getting a call baby. Is it ok if I hang up now" he asks. "Yep" I say. "Ok call me when you get home. Stay safe. I love you" he raps and I chuckle. "I love you too. Bye" I end the call, Putting my phone back into my bag.i hug onto my coat more as the cool breeze hits my body, making me lightly shiver In return. I continue to walk until I feel someone following me.

Turning around I see no one, and continue to walk again. The uneasy feeling still doesn't go. I look back once more and there were 2 figures following closely behind me. I widen my eyes and start running as fast as I can but get pulled back by one person. "L-let me go please" I try to pull away from the person. I start screaming as the same person pulls me back again, tightening his grip around me. Earning a slap from the other person I start to tear at the stinging pain caused by it. "Keep it down" he says glaring at me.

Struggling, I continue to pull away from the man's tight grip until a cloth Is placed over my nose, making a sudden dizziness take over me. "Hey let go of her" I hear a scream and turn up with all the strength I have left to see 4 men rushing towards me. An unbearable pain spreads right through my head as everything starts to gradually go black.

I'll try my best to make it better. I promise...
Thanks for reading though🖤

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