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Here we are, once again walking hand in hand along the beach. "Thank you for being the best girlfriend" hyunsik says suddenly making me turn towards him with a smile.

"And thank you for being the best boyfriend" I say and he chuckles pulling me closer to him. "I love you so much... Thank you for staying with an idiot like me" he says. "Hey, don't make me cry" I chuckle, playfully hitting his arm.

Hyunsik dropped me back at home, and I was quite exhausted although I had alot of fun. I look at the promise ring on my finger and smile. We did end up getting each other matching accessories in the end.

I look around my apartment. I'm gonna miss this place for sure. I walk out to the balcony to get some cool air. The streets were empty, with only lights and the moon giving brightness to the whole city.

I decide to go to bed, knowing that I have to wake up for work tomorrow. 'Good night♥️' I smile as I read the text hyunsik sent. He definitely is something else. I reply back, leaving my phone on the side table and closing my eyes.

It's been a few days now since I moved in with Hyunsik. The whole week was tiring with packing and then unpacking, but we did it.

Hyunsik was loaded with work and I was way too bored. I had come back home home from work nearly an hour ago. "Can I go out for a while?" I ask getting hyunsiks attention.

"Sure. But where do you want to go?" He asks and I think for a while. I just want to walk for a while. "Maybe the park" I say and he nods. "You can stay back and finish your work. I just want to go on a little walk" I add.

"Are you sure its alright If I don't come?" He asks and I nod smiling. "I'm sorry" he says standing up to hug me. "Don't be sorry" I chuckle. "Call me if there's anything alright?" He says and I nod.

"Bye" I say from the front door and hyunsik screams back from the room "BYE". I walk towards a park that's about 15 minutes away from home. Something about that park made me feel safe, which is why I go there often.

I slightly shiver as the cold breeze hits me. How could I even forget to wear something to keep me warm. I look at the empty park and smile. Walking up to one of the swings, I sit down and hug myself to stay warm while looking up at the sky.

"Rose" a child like voice screams and I turn around to see no one. 'What is wrong with me? I should stop imagining things.' I sigh and look back up at the sky getting lost in how beautiful the stars look.

"Mind if I sit here?" I turn towards the male pointing at the empty swing next to me. "O-oh no I don't mind" I say. "I'm Wonwoo" he says smiling. "I'm Y/n" I say. "I know" he replies and i give him a confused look.

"I've seen you at the cafe" he says. I look at him, carefully going through his features. "Are you from seventeen?" I ask and he chuckles. "You could say that" he says. "You seem to be paying attention to me" he says, smirking and I scoff.

"It's cause your fans are everywhere" I say turning to look back at the sky. "True" he replies. "Aren't you cold?" He asks breaking the silence. "I'm not" I reply. "You suck at lying. I can literally see you shivering" he says.

I feel a jacket being placed on me and turn around to see Wonwoo fixing his jacket on me. "But you'll freeze" I say. "I'm alright with that" he replies.

"Don't you think Roses are pretty?" He asks out of nowhere once again. "they are. Why Did you ask?" I chuckle. "Wow... Do you seriously not remember a thing?" He says. "What do you mean?" I ask.

"Rose..." He says looking at me. 'Wait... Rose!?'

Sorry for the cringe. I have no idea where this is going😂😭

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