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"Y/N!! ROSE!!" I pull Seokmin in front of me, while everyone screams running towards the both of us the second we entered the house. "Are you alright?" They ask while pulling me and crushing me in a hug. Guilt was eating me up for making them this worried. "I'm fine" i say and smile, seeing Hyunsik standing by the side and smiling back at me.

"Rose don't disappear like that!" Seungkwan says. I turn to face him and widen my eyes when I see him. "Seungkwan don't cry" I say seeing a little tear roll down his cheek. "I'm really sorry I won't do it again" I say using my thumb to wipe off the tear, pulling him into a hug and gently patting his back. "He was really worried for you" Joshua says making a light pout form on my lips. "Yeah... Usually he doesn't shut up but this time he was all quiet" Minghao says making me lightly chuckle.

"I'm right here" Seungkwan says still clinging onto me. Minghao smiles innocently making all of us laugh while Seungkwan was busy glaring at him. "I'm really sorry for making you all worried" I say and they all assure that it was alright, including Seungcheol's long lecture about how I should've informed someone before going atleast. "wasn't Hyunsik just here?" I ask while looking around and not being able to find him. "He told me he was going upstairs" Vernon says. "Oh okay" I reply.

Seokmin had told everyone about all that had happened which did disturb them alot but I repeatedly assured them that I was alright. I am honestly thankful for Hyejin being there at that time. The guys leave since it was already pretty late and they had busy schedules for tomorrow. I sigh and walk upstairs after closing the front door.

"Hyun?" I say going upstairs to our bedroom. "Yes babe" he replies turning away from his laptop to face me. "Oh I'm sorry were you doing any work?" I ask and he chuckles shaking his head, declining. "Turn around" he says and I give him a confused look before doing as told. I squeal in excitement when I see a huge teddy on one of the little sofas in the room. I feel like a kid now, but who cares. "For me?" I ask and he nods. "Aww babe. Why though?" I ask hugging the soft toy.

"I'm pretty sure I can treat my girlfriend without a reason" he says. "Thank you sooo much" I say, purposely dragging on the so. He chuckles and I run upto him, throwing myself onto him and hugging him tight. "But why did you come upstairs when the guys were here" I ask slowly letting go of the hug. "No reason. I just thought of letting you spend some time with them" he says, smiling. "Ohh" I say and smile back.

"Well I don't have to go for work tomorrow and the day after so let's watch a movie or something at home. I'm not risking you going out" he says and I nod. "Atleast I'm not alone" I reply. "Come on. I'll make some dinner" I add and go downstairs with hyunsik following behind.

Omg!! Thank you all so much for 2k reads!!
I love you all so much😭♥️

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