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I sit on the kitchen counter while Hyunsik starts to prepare lunch. We already watched a few movies today and the whole of yesterday and I was way too lazy to make lunch which is why Hyunsik is doing it for me. In a way I feel bad but it was his fault for calling me to live with him.

I grab my phone and put on some of the guys' songs, watching their music videos. "Damn they're filled with talent" Hyunsik says making me look away from the phone to face him. "I know right!" I say getting absorbed into the songs once again.

"She's pretty!" I say showing Hyunsik the girl from Minghao's music video. "Yeah, but to me you're the prettiest" He says. This liar. I look down feeling my cheeks heat up. "Aw are you blushing?" He asks, chuckling. "Stop it" I say and playfully hit him. "Hey hey I'm cooking" he says moving aside and I pout.

Seperating the macaroni into two plates, hyunsik gives me one and I make space for him on the counters to sit. Yes, there's no point in having a dining table right Infront of us. We continue to play more music and also make little conversations while eating.

"Give me your plate" Hyunsik says and I smile cheekily while giving it to him. "Actually keep them in the sink I'll wash it up" I say. "nope" he replies and I glare at him. "Hyunsik AHH!! my head" I say, holding onto my head tight. "Babe what's wrong?" he asks running upto me with a worried expression. "Nothing now come sit" I say holding onto Hyunsik's hand.

"I'll just clean it up and-" I cut him off. "NO!! I'll do it later please" I say with a pout and I can't help but internally cringe. He sighs and I chuckle. I spread my arms for a hug and Hyunsik leans in wrapping his arms around my waist while I do the same. "I love you" I say. "All of a sudden?" He chuckles and I can feel his breathe hitting my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

"Say it back" I whine, I don't know what's gotten into me. "I love you" he says moving back slightly and looking at me. I lightly close my eyes as he leans in and places a light kiss on my lips. "Oh..." "CHAN CLOSE YOUR EYES!" "Dokyeom come here" "Ew get away" "I told you we shouldn't just barge in" Hyunsik immediately moves back and I widen my eyes, turning around to see not just three or four of the guys but all of them.

I jump off the counter and hide myself behind Hyunsik. Well this is embarrassing. "Rose are you embarrassed?" Jihoon asks chuckling. "NO!" I yell and they all burst into laughter. I feel a tap on my shoulder and scream seeing Minghao standing behind me. "When did you get here?" I ask. "Hi" he says,completely ignoring my question and I sigh.

"So... Were we interrupting anything?" Jeonghan asks once everyone had settled down on the couches. "No!!" Me and Hyunsik say in unison making the guys chuckle. "I mean... I don't mind being an uncle though" mingyu says with a pout and I widen my eyes. "Mingyu!!" I exclaim and chase him around the living room, while all he did was giggle. "Rose! Mingyu! Come here" Seungcheol says making the both of us stop running and face him.

"So... We came here to actually talk about everything happening. You know... The rumours and all" Seungcheol says and I nod in approval for him to continue. "We spoke with our managers and we're just gonna do something simple. All of us will go on a live together along with you... Let carats ask a few questions and all of that and clear it all up. That was the simplest we could go for, and I mean it's better than having a whole conference" he says and i nod in agreement.

"Don't be afraid" Wonwoo whispers into my ear making me face him. The guys had been talking about what they were gonna do for the live while all I could've been thinking about was if their fans would still hate me, or worse unstan them. The guys told me how supportive Carats were and it was nice to see them smiling whenever talking about their fans. "I have you guys so I won't" I say making him smile at me as I mirror his actions.

"Rose We'll pick you up tomorrow and do the live alright?" Seungcheol asks and I nod. "Okay" I say. The guys continue to talk while I nervously play with my fingers. I feel a hand hold onto mine and turn towards Wonwoo once again. "Nothings going to happen. It's going to be alright" he says pulling me into a side hug. "I hope so" I lay my head on his shoulder and sigh.

Idk what this is omg I'm so sorry😭
But thanks for reading!!♥️

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