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"Y/N stop..."
"Rose, dont run"
I continue to laugh, running like I'm free. No one to stop me.
I turn to my right at the sound of a horn, my eyes get blinded by a bright light before everything goes black. The last thing I see being the shocked faces of the boys.

I immediately wake up, my heartbeat as fast as it could be. Why did I just see that in my dream? Why did that happen to me? Why were there even guys with me? Who even were they? I rub my temples as a headache starts to grow, sweat still dripping down the sides of my forehead. The temperature of the room suddenly turning warm, and not being able to sleep anymore I get up checking my time. 2am...just two hours of sleep. Sighing I get up, walking over to the balcony and watching as the lights brighten up the city, the cold wind hitting my face making my untied hair blow in the opposite direction.

I continue to look around the tall buildings surrounding the one I'm in.

"Y/n!! Come here for a second" I run towards the boys with a bright smile on my face, beautiful smiles plastering on their own faces as well. "Here" the taller boy holds out a rose. "Whats this for?" I chuckle softly, admiring the beautiful flower that is now in my hands. "You know Rose's are on of the most beautiful flowers. Just like you" he tucks a strand of stray hair behind my ear and I look down, smiling like crazy. "You dont have to be shy with us Rose. We're your best friends" another boy comes upto me slowly lifting my chin so that I'm facing the boys. "Rose?" I ask slightly confused. "Yes that's your new name. Beautiful isnt it? Just like you." My cheeks turn hot by the sudden compliment. Dramatic kids these guys are. "We will always protect you Rose" the smile on my face never falters as the bunch of guys huddle around me crushing me in a huge group hug.

I groan in annoyance. It was still me as a kid. Why do I keep getting these. Was that me for sure though? Why dont I remember a thing about me when I was a kid. Slowly sliding down the wall I sit down, bringing my knees closer to my chest as hot tears start pouring. The cold breeze continues to hit my face as I still lay outside. Why Is this happening to me. Why do I have to go through so much. I lay my head down on my knees, continuing to silently sob. After about half an hour I get up, walking back into my room exhausted. Lying down on the bed my eyelids turn heavy as I fall into a deep sleep.

I'm sorry this is quite boring. I will make the next few chapters better. For sure. Thanks for reading. And also feel free to comment any suggestions. And you could always talk to me about anything.

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