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I look at my phone that continuously kept lighting up again and sigh. Jun had spent almost the whole day here and had left over an hour back. I really badly wanted to take my phone and check what was going on, and so I did but regretted the instant I saw it. Notifications from my social medias were filled with hate but also good comments.

I didn't know how to react but nevertheless unlocked my phone. There were many articles on my social media filled with me and the boys, the most recent one being of Chan and me walking back home together a few days back. "The two were seen strolling around hand in hand on April 19th" I read aloud. 'OMG!! Tell me she's not dating one of them' 'shes just going to make seventeen fail' 'i hate you' 'shes just selfish and spoilt. She doesn't deserve any of them' 'no not Dino!!' among some of the good comments all I was able to see was this.

The words hurt me more than anything else. 'What if it is true? And I'm the reason the guys have to go through anything?' I think to myself as my vision becomes blurry, before a few tears fall off. I put on a hoodie, covering my face and walk out of the house after a long time. It was already dark and all I wanted to do was go to the park which I would usually go to. To my luck it was empty so I sat at one of the swings and looked at the sky.

All that was on my mind now was nothing but the guys. They came back into my life and made things better for me, while I only brought trouble to them. The tears kept flowing down my cheeks, while my heart started to pound. "are you okay?" I turn to my left to see a little boy standing right beside me, while looking up at me. "Yes I am" I say with a smile, quickly wiping off my tears. "But I saw you crying" he says and I chuckle. 

"Hyunwoo- Oh my! I'm so sorry did he trouble you?" A girl around the same age as me says running upto us. "Oh no. Not at all" I reply with a smile. "Hey look... It's Y/n. That girl who is always with seventeen" I see a whole group of girls and panic when I see them walk towards the same direction as me. Bringing their phones out they start flashing their cameras at me, making me hide myself behind the girl from before. "You don't deserve to Go near the boys... Don't you realize how much of a trouble you are to them. Probably blackmailed them to be with you am I right?" one of them say making me feel the tears flow down my cheeks once again.

"Hey you have no right to say that about anyone!! Go away from here if you don't have anything better to do" the girl from before says. "Oh did she force you to be her friend too?" One of them ask making the rest of the group chuckle. "I SAID GO!!" she screams making everyone including me and the little boy flinch. The group of girls slowly put their phones down, giving me a few disgusted looks before walking away.

"Hey don't think about what they said" the girl from before says, turning around to face me. "Come here... A girl like you doesn't deserve to hear anything like that" she says spreading her arms for a hug. I hesitated at first but nevertheless went in for the hug. I feel a little tug on my shirt and look down to see the little boy holding out a flower. "Here" he says. I smile and take the flower from his hand while the little guy went to hide behind the girl from before.

"Thank you!" I say and he peeks his head out with a smile making me awe at the sight. "I'm Hyejin and this is my brother Hyunwoo" the girl says making me look back at her. "Thank you for that Hyejin. And I'm Y/n" I say. "That's no problem at all Y/n. Are you alright though?" She asks and I sigh. "I will get better" I reply and she nods.

"Do you usually come here?" Hyejin asks, sitting right beside me on another swing. "I used to but stopped for a while recently. Do you always come here?" I ask and she nods. "I started coming here only recently 'cause Hyunwoo wouldn't let me be if not" she says and I chuckle. I watch as Hyunwoo keeps jumping on the little trampoline, only making me smile. 

"Hyunwoo said that you were crying before. Is everything alright?" She asks. "I hope I'm not invading your privacy" she adds and I shake my head. "You're not. You see since my childhood I've been bestfriends with a few guys who are now idols. And pictures of whenever I'm with them have been taken and released which is why some of their fans hate me now" I say. "Oh no I'm really sorry you have to go through this. But I'm sure it'll be alright soon. Just be strong" she says with a soft smile.

"I will and thank you so much" I say feeling much better to have someone I don't even know all too well, listening to me. "There's nothing you have to thank me for" she says chuckling. The time flies as we talk about absolutely anything and everything while little Hyunwoo was busy running around and playing.

Thank you for reading!!
and Sorry If there are any mistakes...

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