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I wake up and smile seeing a note from Hyunsik laying on the side table. 'i didn't want to wake you up so... Breakfast is ready and I love you♡♡'. Washing up real quick I walk downstairs to a whole bunch of pancakes lying on the table, and enjoy it while watching some television. The fact that Hyunsik made better food than me was not surprising, he's good at everything.

"HEY!!" I scream, almost dropping my food when Jun just walks In through the front door. "I'm going to take that spare key back someday" I say and move, making space for Jun on the couch. "You think we can't break the door?" He asks and I glare at him. "I was only joking" he says chuckling and steals one of my pancakes. I'm not complaining though, Hyunsik made way too much for just one person.

"You can have more" I say and hold out the plate. "Nope you eat" he says pushing the plate back towards me. "No I had too much. I'm not going to eat more" I say and hold the plate out again. "okay you said it" he says and takes the plate for my hand. "dummy" I say laughing while he fills his mouth with the pancakes. I walk to the kitchen, grabbing a glass and filling it up with fruit juice. "Here!" I say and place the glass on the table right Infront of Jun. "Thank you!" He says smiling to which I reply with a smile.

"Don't you guys have work?" I ask once Jun is done eating. "Not really. A few of the guys went to our manager to talk about the rumours. And the others are probably asleep" he says. "I'm surprised you're not" I say chuckling, making him frown. "Well I just felt like coming over so I woke up. And I didnt tell the guys i was coming here" he says and I nod. "They might search for you though" I say. "They won't even notice" he replies and I chuckle.

"You didn't go onto any of your social medias right?" Jun asks. "I didn't" I reply and he smiles. "I'm sorry" I say and he looks at me confused. "what for?" He asks and I sigh. "Everything that's happening. You guys could get hate or even loose some fans 'cause of me" I say. "You little brat" he says pulling me into a hug. "None of this is your fault. And carats won't leave us no matter what happens. Do you know? There were actually many carats that were taking your side. And most of them wouldn't stop talking about how pretty you are" he says and I smile looking up at him.

"We have never been this happy until we met you again. Yeah we were really happy with each other as a family, but you came and  made it complete. And our carats saw how much more happier all of us have gotten since when you came back again. It isn't you fault okay Rose?" He says and I nod. I wrap my arms around Him, hugging him back. "I love you guys" I say and rest my head on his shoulder. "And we love you more" he says making the both of us chuckle.

Thank you for reading!!
Don't mind any mistakes please😅
I love you all!!♥️

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