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Your POV
I wake up to the light that is seeping through the curtains. How did I get here? I turn to my side and yes there's a koala clung onto me as usual. I slowly try to move away his hand that is wrapped around my waist but he just tightens his grip around me more. "Stay a little more please" he says in his morning voice.

"But hyunsik I have work" I say grabbing my phone from the side table to check the time. "IM LATE!!" I scream making hyunsik jolt up and fall off the bed. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry" I say running to his side trying to help him up. "It's not okay. So Let's sleep" he pulls me down to lie on his chest. "I HAVE TO GO FOR WORK" I scream again but this time onto his ear. "Gosh why are you so loud" I chuckle.

"But wait how did I get here?" I ask and he pouts "I'm hungry let's go out today." Changing the topic he pulls me up off the floor along with him. "And I told Jimin that you wouldn't make it today so don't worry about a thing. Let's just hangout today alright? Whatever you want to do" he says pulling me into a hug and and rocking my from one side to the other. Why does he treat me like a kid.

I chuckle "okay but what about your work" I ask looking up to face him. "I've taken a day off today" he smiles and I mirror his actions. "Why though?" "We've not had our usual hangouts since we both started work and it kills me to not be near you like before"

I smile and peck his lips "I love you hyunsik" I say tightening the hug. "I love you more babe" he says and I glare at him. This never ends so I'm just not gonna even think about arguing.

"Twilight~" I sing ignoring the now pouting hyunsik. I bend down, carrying up the little fur ball that was running around my feet. "I love you so much twilight" I say and give him a light kiss. "Why didn't I get the so much part" hyunsik says clinging onto me.

"Hey this is like the only day we get to hang out like this. Let's go have some fun" I say leaving twilight back down. "Okay... You could grab some of my clothes if you like it" hyunsik says while dragging me towards his closet. Yep, no doubt he's a kid.

After some time we both got ready and headed out. With hyunsik driving the car we went on search for a place for breakfast to start off our day.

Y'all I'm sorry this is so cringey.

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