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It had been more than 20 minutes now and I was beginning to get worried. Chan was peacefully sleeping while cuddling onto twilight who had been playing with him for a while now, with his head on my lap. What if Hyunsik just hates me after this?

I sigh and rest my head against the sofa."Y/n..." I immediately turn around, making sure to not wake Chan up. I slowly stand up, leaving a pillow below Chan's head. "Y-yeah?" I turn to face hyunsik and the rest of the guys standing behind him.

"I'm sorry" he says, walking up to me. I look at the guys behind him and they smile. "I didn't know that you had to go through so much. I'm sorry I jumped into conclusions too early" Hyunsik says softly for me to hear, while hugging me.

"Its alright hyunsik" I say slightly patting his back while hugging him back. I lay my chin on hyunsiks shoulder, wrapping my arms tighter around his waist as he rocks me from side to side.

I widen my eyes as I hear the sound of a camera click coming from someones phone, and look up to see Jeonghan pointing it at us. "Don't" I mouth while he tries his best to hold In his laugh. "I hate you" I mouth once again. "I love you" Hyunsik says making me smile and hug him tighter, totally forgetting about Jeonghan. "I love you too" I say

"So Rose" Seungcheol says once we let go of the hug. I nod my head waiting for him to continue. "Let's go out this weekend alright? All of us, with hyunsik" he says. I look at Hyunsik and he nods, smiling. "Okay. But where?" I ask. "You'll see when we get there" he says making me frown.

It was finally the weekend and I was beyond excited. The guys had already come over in two vans. Me and Hyunsik split into seperate vans since Seungcheol wanted to talk to him, while I was stuck with the younger ones, Seokmin, Mingyu, Minghao, Seungkwan, Vernon and Chan.

"SO YOUR STAGE NAME IS THE8??" I ask screaming through the loud seventeen music that is blasting from the speakers as I scroll through the boys' profiles. "YES!!" He screams back and I nod. Their music was a hit, not gonna lie. "Do you like it?" Mingyu asks lowering down the volume abit. "I love it" I reply and he smiles increasing the volume once again.

"Where are we going?" I ask for the hundredth time. It had already been more than an hour since the drive started and we were exhausted from vibing to the music a while back. I face Seungkwan and put on the saddest face I could. Panicking, he tries to look anywhere but at me.

"Seungkwannie~" I say clinging onto his arm making him scrunch his nose, cringing at my attempt of trying to act cute. "Come on. I just want to know where we're going!!" I say. "And you won't get to know until we reach there" Seungkwan says. I pout and turn around.

"Rose we won't be there for a few more hours so why don't you take a nap like the others" Mingyu says from the driver's seat. "Okay" I say with a nod. "You can rest your head on my shoulder" Seungkwan says and I smile before doing as said. He wraps his arms around me making me feel much warmer As I fall asleep.

Thanks for reading!!!
I love you all♥️♥️

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