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'Wait... Rose!? no it can't be right?' "Don't you remember us?" He asks. "Us?" I ask confused. "The guys. Remember the guy you used to call tiger?" He asks. "I'm sorry. What?"

"You're cute" "no I'm a tiger" he says before sitting next to me and eating the ice cream. "Okay you are a tiger" I say and he smiles before crushing me in a hug.

"Y/n" he says softly. My head started to hurt and I don't even know for what reason.  "S-soonyoung" I say making Wonwoo's eyes widen. "YES! Thats so good Rose" He says.

I face Wonwoo, getting lost in his eyes. 'I've seen those eyes. I know for sure I have.' "I know you" I say. "Yes you do Rose" he says smiling brightly. "Do you want me to call the guys here. To help you remember?" He asks. Hesitating, I nod my head.

"Sure" I say. "Give me a while" he says before walking away. I stand up and walk in the other direction for a while. Was I the girl I kept seeing? And was he one of the boys? Sighing, I kick the little stones on the ground.

"Y/N stop..."
"Rose, dont run"
I continue to laugh, running like I'm free. No one to stop me.
I turn to my right at the sound of a horn, my eyes get blinded by a bright light before everything goes black. The last thing I see being the shocked faces of the boys.

I crouch down as my head starts to hurt even more. So the girl I kept seeing would've been me. Before I realized a few tears had slipped down my cheeks. "Rose... ROSE!! What's wrong?" I turn to my side to see a worried Wonwoo crouching right beside me.

Giving me no time to reply, he pulls me into a hug, only to make me cry harder. "Here, let's stand up first" He says, pulling me up. "Now tell me. What's wrong?" he asks, slowly wiping off the tears.

"What happened to me?" I ask. Wonwoo stays silent, as I look at him waiting for an answer. "Wonwoo!" I say, raising my voice a little more. "Let's talk about it some other time please the guys will be here soon" he says and I sigh.

"Hey don't be sad. Okay?" Wonwoo says hugging me tighter and I nod. "How did all of you end up together?" I ask making Wonwoo chuckle. "After everything had happened and we grew older we decided to follow our own dreams, but together. So we worked hard and debuted just like that" he says smiling.

"That's cool" I say, Wonwoo chuckles squeezing my cheeks. "ROSE!!" I turn around to see a whole bunch of Boys running towards me. "Oh my goodness" I quickly move behind Wonwoo, making him laugh.

"Hey! Come here" one of them pull me away from Wonwoo and squeeze me in a tight hug. Soon everyone joins in a group hug, squashing me up in the middle."we missed you sooo much" they say and I chuckle. "Rose do you remember us?" One of them ask as they slowly let go of me.

"I do but I can't really tell who's who cause y'all look different" I say. I look at Wonwoo, signalling him to say something and he does. "Okay. So guys just introduce yourselves. Then she'll know" he says and I nod.

Everyone introduced themselves and I was happy that I remembered all of their names. We were still at the park with all of the guys talking to me and each other while Chan was clung onto me. "Hey you're not a baby anymore" I say only for him to hug me tighter.

"Soonyoung isn't too" he says and I turn to my other side to see soonyoung hugging me. "Gosh you guys are kids" I say. They hum in response, not deciding to let go of me.

My phone rings making everyone go silent, and all the guys turn to me. "Move for a while please" I say. Chan and Soonyoung slowly let go of me and I grab my phone from my pocket.

"Oh no I forgot about him" I say to no one in particular. The caller ID 'Hyunsik🖤💫' was shining on my face brightly as the phone kept ringing. Joshua comes up to me and peeks at my phone. "I think you should answer it" he says laughing and I glare at him.

Thanks for reading!!
I love you all!!♥️♥️

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