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Summary: Happy's daughter was waiting for him to come to her birthday celebration like every year but this year he didn't make it.

Our parents teach us everything, how to walk, how to talk, how to ride a bike or eventually drive a car but one thing they never teach us is how to live without them and this year I learned that the hard way. Ever since I was little my dad Happy Lowman the most scariest man alive but my hero made sure that my birthday was a huge celebration no matter what, then as I got older we cooked dinner and had cake at my house, then my two children joined us and it was the best day ever, until one day he didn't show up, instead it was Jax the President of the Club that showed up at my door with my dads Kutte.

I was cleaning up the house and making dinner while waiting for Gemma to bring my kids home from school, dad had told me he had to do something with Jax and that he would be over after he was done. I hated the fact he had to do something but I understood, I mean I grew up in the life so I knew what he did but didn't love him any less for it.

Then I heard a knock at the door which was odd because dad would walk in and it wasn't time for the kids to be home so I went to answer it and I saw Jax standing there looking everywhere but at the door,

" Hey Jax what's up?" Asking confused because dad wasn't with him. He looked at me with tears in his eyes,

" I am so sorry Daya." He said with the tears falling and holding what looked like a Kutte.

" What's going on and why are you sorry?" I was truly confused and he handed me the Kutte, I was confused at first and then I saw it. It was my dads and then it hit me,

" No no no." I said over and over again and Jax pulled me into a deep hug and I started to scream asking why.

" Daddy!" I cried for my dad this wasn't fair. Jax was crying too and then I looked at him, then started to hit him

" You were supposed to protect him!" I kept hitting him telling him I hate him, it was his fault. He told me they were in the warehouse, he didn't check off to the side and my dad was killed instantly. He didn't say anything and I hit him across the face and slammed the door in his face.

I laid on the couch with the dads Kutte clutched to my chest crying, my dad was really gone. He told me he would never leave me, he lied to me. I laid there until the kids came home. How could I tell them their Grandpa was dead? They loved him so much, they were inseparable.

" Mommy!" I heard my babies say but I couldn't get up,

" Zendaya?" I heard Gemma say but again I didn't budge, I did sit up but that was it because I was so numb. The kids sat down next to me and Gemma was in the chair across from me,

" Um kids Grandpa won't be here tonight." I said with a lump in my throat and Grace asked why, was his sick or something she asked. Hazel looked at me with questions in her eyes as well.

" No he won't be around anymore." Was all I said and it took them a second for them to realize and they both started to cry along with Gemma. I clutched my dads Kutte to my chest and the kids wrapped their arms around me and Gemma hugged Grace and Hazel.

It was a rough week trying handle my dads funeral arrangements, thankfully I had Gemma helping me with it. Since the day Jax told me I have avoided him, I blamed him for this. If he hadn't went to the warehouse my dad would still be alive, it was his fault. Finally the day of the funeral came and again I was numb, the kids didn't leave my side at all.

It was a beautiful service but I couldn't stay, I glared at Jax before leaving but little did I know he followed me home. I wanted to hate him but I couldn't because I was in love with him, but Tara was in the way as always and my douche bag ex husband Eric caused me a lot of grief. He made me not want to date after our nasty divorce so I just watch Jax from afar and do nothing about it.

The girls fell asleep after we got home, so I decided to step out and have a cigarette. I felt like I was being watched and knew it was Jax and I smiled,

" You can come out Jax." He came out from the tree line and came up on the porch, 

" Hey Daya." He hugged me and I hugged him back relaxing into his embrace.

" I am so so sorry for saying I hate you because it was a lie." I told him and told me there was no need to apologize that he hated himself too, I told him it wasn't his fault but he felt like it was.

" Did you get the bastard that killed my dad?" I had to know and Jax said yes him, Tig and Chibs handled the piece of shit, this made me feel better. He hugged  me and I hugged him back, this felt right but I didn't know how to tel him. I kissed his cheek and he went to kiss mine but I moved and we accidentally kissed.

" I'm sorry." Jax said and I told him it was fine and he kissed me again and I pulled away asking about Tara and he told me she was killed a few months back in a car accident and I told him I was sorry. He nods smiling at me, I decided to go in and he followed.

I forgot to clean and apologized for the dirty house and he said I was fine, but I decided to clean and he helped me which made me smile, after we were done he offered to take me and my kids along with his boys to eat which I agreed to, so he had Gemma bring them over and once the girls woke up we left.

Then after we ate we decided we to take them to the park and let them play, my girls needed this and they had fun with Abel and Thomas, which made me and Jax smile, they were themselves out and we all went back to my house and let them nap there. I handed Jax a beer and made myself a glass of wine and we talked quietly,

" This is nice." Said Jax and I couldn't have agreed more, we ended up kissing and making out for awhile and then ended up in my room where we both confessed our love for one another and he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes.

He asked me to get his Crow and of course I said yes and we eventually got married which made me happy and then found out I was pregnant with our son, we decided to name him Victor which was my dads favorite name and he looked like my dad. I missed my dad everyday but I am glad I have Jax to get me through it.

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