His Beauty Her Beast

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Summary: You are the shy librarian who is new in town and when Jackson Teller is shot in the ally behind the library you take to the hospital but disappear after, he tries to find you. Will he?

I had just finished closing up for the night when I heard an commotion in the ally behind the library and went to investigate, what I found shook me to my core it was Jackson Teller who I have heard was the President of the Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club here in Charming.

See I moved to Charming about six months ago to work at the local library and loved every minute of it. I loved to read books kinda of like Bell from Beauty and the Beast I always had my nose in one, never partied, never did anything but read. Use to be a nurse until I had a patient die on me and left Lodi.

I had heard of the Sons from the whispering the town folks liked to do, even heard my name being whispered because I never real talked to anyone. I rather stay to myself and not get close to anyone ever again, can't get hurt that way. Only time I talked to someone was at the library recommending books.

After I found Jackson on the ground shot I acted fast because being a nurse had its perks, I had seen too many gun shots in my career to stabilize him enough to make it to St. Thomas because if I didn't he wasn't going to make it waiting for a ambulance to come so I got him into my car and made it to the hospital long enough for them to get him out of my car and into the ER, they wanted me to stay for questioning.

I said no and left I didn't want to be involved in this, I went back home and cleaned up, deep cleaned my car and then went to bed with thoughts of the man with the blonde hair and blue eyes that I can get lost in. He had opened his eyes long enough for me to see them and smiled at me but then passed out. I knew it wasn't going to work I am not his type.

At St. Thomas

Man ol' man I was sore as fuck, where am I? I started to hear beeping in the background, so I was at the hospital but how did I get here? All I remember was walking around town to clear my head and then waking up here.

" Good to see you awake Mr. Teller."

" How did I get here and what happened?"

" You were shot and some lady brought you in, she didn't stick around dropped you off and left."

" No name or nothing?"

" No but Lieutenant Roosevelt has some questions for you."

I nodded and he went to go and get him, we finally had a good relationship with the local Sheriff since going legit. Nothing like we had with Unser but we didn't bribe this one, we weren't best friends but we coexist together and made it work.

" Mr. Teller how are you feeling?"

" Like I had been shot." I smirked

" Glad your sense of humor is still there, but do you know who did this?"

" To be honest no thought we were good with everyone since going legit."

" Do you have any idea on the mystery women who brought you in?"

" No clue, I was wondering myself."

" Ok so if you can think of anything or find the mystery women let me know please."

I shook his hand and said yes, he left and I sat there until Chibs walked in. He was my VP and Happy followed who was my SAA, I changed their ranks around when Clay stepped down and Tig wanted to has less responsibility since finding Venus.

" What happened Jackie boy?"

" To be honest I don't know Chibs, thought we were at peace?"

" Man I don't know Jax but we will find whoever did this."

Just then I had a flash of a women with long brown hair and the brownish eyes I have ever seen but that was it, she saved my life and I had to find her.

It has been a week since finding Jackson in the ally and still can't get him off my mind, he is in my dreams. I can't focus on work, can't read. So I decided to take some time off to refocus and get him off my mind once and for all.

I went off to my families cabin to clear my head, it was peaceful and quiet. I brought books with me to read but every time I read a sentence I would have visions of us in the throes of passion. Son of a bitch get it together girl.

In Charming

I can't get the women who saved me out of my head, she is in my dreams and in my thoughts. I can't focus on anything. I was laid up from being shot in the shoulder but I tried to do things but was getting yelled at by my mom.

" Your supposed to be resting Jax."

" I know Ma but I am restless."

" What's on your mind?"

" The women who saved me."

" Baby she probably is long gone, if she couldn't stick around to see if you were going to make it she ain't worth the effort."

" Ma it's hard she was beautiful, she saved me Ma."

" I don't know what to say Jackson maybe forget her, I can't believe I am going to say this but we have a Club full of women to help you."

" Gross Ma."

I kissed her and walked away. I didn't want those women I wanted the one who saved me, I had Juice on the cameras from the hospital but came up empty handed. I was desperate and it was taking a toll on me. Even the guys were noticing it.

" Man Jax she is probably long gone, you have to get her off her mind. No pussy is worth all this effort."

" I can't Tig, I can't get her off my mind. She is every where I look."

" Get laid or something man we need your head in the game."

I walked away after patting him on the shoulder, I was finding her if it killed me.

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