Wedding Day

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Summary: You are about to marry the love of your life Alexander Trager.

I was nervous to say lease I was about to marry the love of my life Alexander Trager, I had met him when was discharged from the Marines and walked into the garage of Teller- Morrow.

One Year Earlier

I had been working at TM for sometime now and Gemma told me there was a Prospect starting today in the garage.

" Man Gem you know me and Prospects don't get along, how long have they last?" I asked her it seems I alway butt heads with Prospects because they think I am a Croweater or get lippy with me and have to put them in their place.

" I know Ann but we need the bodies and he has been warned not to piss you off since you are my best friend and act just like me." She said with a smile, I grew up with Gemma and had moved away but she asked me to come back and work at TM.

I loved working here and the guys weren't that bad, they got rowdy but for the most part they were great. I was sitting there when a wild curly head man with the bluest eyes I have ever seen walked in and my jaw was on the floor.

" Hey Doll do you know where I can a shirt?" Asked the very sexy man, I was at a loss for words. He was waving his hands in front of my face.

" I'm sorry yeah follow me." I said and went to the closet in the office and got him a shirt.

He thanked me and went to work, I yelled for him for tows and repos. Him and Clay went because he was his sponsor, pretty much that is how the day went. I was clocking out when I heard,

" Hey Doll I didn't catch your name earlier." He said

" My name is Anna." I told him

" Alex and it was nice to meet you Anna, glad I decide to join." He said and smiled as he was walking off.

I sat there at the bench smoking a cigarette when Jax and Opie walked up to me,

" Hey Ann." Jax said

" Hey guys what's up?" I asked

" You ok you seem distant?" Asked Opie

" I'm fine just thinking that's all." I smiled at the two young men

They nodded and kissed my forehead as they walked away, it was true I was thinking and it was about Alex, I don't usually get involved with a SON. They tend not to be faithful towards their women, I guess I will stay single forever.

A few weeks later he asked me to dinner and I said yes, he took me to a nice Italian Restaurant in Oakland.

" Anna I want to ask you something?" He said as we were eating

" Yes Alex?" I said

" I want to be with you, I know how you see how the guys treat their women but I can't seemed to get you out of my head." He confessed

" Alex I can't be hurt, I won't be cheated on." I looked down at the table and he took his two fingers
to lift my chin.

" Anna Marcus I promise to never cheat on you, you will be the only women in my life. Even on runs." He said

I shook my head yes and he was so happy and when we got back to the Club he announced we were together and they threw us a party. Like they needed an excuse to party, we had fun and I was glad he chose me.

Around six months he asked me to marry him and I said yes, we had moved in together a few months back. We again announced it to the Club, Gemma and Louann offered to help me plan the wedding and it shocked me when Alex said he wanted it in a Church. So we found a small Church to have it at and got it all set up, got my dress and I asked Gem to be my Maid of Honor and Clay was Tig's Best Man.

Present Day

I was in the room getting ready and Gemma noticed my nervousness.

" Getting cold feet baby?" She asked

" No Gem just worried." I said

" Why?" She questioned

" What if he changes his mind? What if he doesn't show up?" I kept rambling so she grabbed my shoulders and said,

" Look at me Anna Mae Marcus soon to be Trager he is out there right now waiting for you to walk your sexy ass down that aisle and marry you. So get it out of your head and be the Old Lady I know you are." She said

We got up and Chibs walked in along with Clay they both told me I looked good. Chibs offered to walk me down the aisle since my Dad was dead, the musical started to play and off went Clay and Gemma.

" Come in Love lets get you married shall we?" He asked and I nodded yes.

He walked me Alex and I was in love more, he was wearing a button down shirt and dress pants, his hair slicked back and no Kutte. Non of them were wearing them. He seen my question on my face,

" This day is our day, no Club." He side

I smiled at him and the Preacher has us repeat after him, we said our own vowels, he announced us husband and wife. I was so happy to be married to him and we had our reception then off to the cabin for the weekend and we never left the bed.

We made our way back to Charming but as husband and wife, being on the back of his bike was so exhilarating, so free. We pulled into TM and it was a huge welcoming party when we got there, they never seize to amaze me this group of bikers.

They were my family and I was glad I had met them and Alex came into my life.

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