What If Part 2

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Summary: What if when Abel is kid napped and instead of Jackson and the Sons go to Ireland you step in and get Abel back for them?

Jax's POV

When I got the call from a women claiming she had my son I at first thought it was some kinda of cruel joke but then she told me what he looked like then I was wondering what her game was. What she wanted from the Club, from me. She told me that a kid was never a bargaining chip and she would be in Oakland in three days, honestly I haven't slept in those three after the call one because Abel was coming home and two the women whom name hadn't gotten  had fascinated me.

Clay decided that is was better if him, Tig, Happy, mom and myself head up there to be on the safe side and plus we needed a car anyway for Abel to be brought home, and mom wanted to be there for her grandson. She has been devastated since the day it happened and had a heart attack because of it. Cameron had gotten pissed over our deal and went to find me but found my babysitter instead, knocked her out and left with my son. I got home and found her but not Abel and she told me what happened and I saw red.

We were waiting outside the airport waiting for this women she didn't describe herself to us so it was the guessing game and when I looked and seen a very attractive women walking with a carrier and a bag on her side I was hoping it was her and when she said she wasn't expecting s welcoming party I was strucked by her beauty she had curves in all the right places, long brown hair and the most beautiful chocolate eyes I have ever seen.

We loaded her and Abel into moms car and headed back to Charming, the whole way there all I thought was her and having her wrapped around me with those legs of hers I bet she looked sexy in the throws of passion. When we pulled in and mom parked she got out but not her so I walked to her side of the car and noticed she was having a panic attack and I grabbed her face and told her to match my breaths. She did and seemed to calm down, she we all went into the Clubhouse but she wouldn't let go of Abel and it warmed my heart that this complete stranger was protecting my boy.

" Shelly how about we go into the room over here and you can fill us in, is that ok?" I asked her because she seemed real nervous and kept Abel close to her chest. Mom seemed to pick up on it and had a smile her face.

" Baby he is safe here but if you want to you can take him into the room with you ok." Mom told her and she seemed to relax and walked into the room.

" If your mom wants to be in there it is ok with me. If it's ok with you." She asked and I looked at mom and she nodded and went inside after I told her to drop her cellphone into the box and did it without hesitation.

Shelly's POV

Moment of truth I was thinking to myself, they seemed pretty friendly but I still pulled Abel close to my chest, I was afraid he was going to be grabbed again and I have grown attached to him so much and will be devastated when I hand him back to his dad and leave. Maybe I can stick around for a while.

" The reason I did this is because no kid should be used as a bargaining chip, it's so wrong. When I over heard those men saying that honestly I wanted to kill them right then and there but I had to get more information and I didn't want to die that day. So I did research and found the orphanage, got my money and went to rescue Abel." I told them as I paced back and forth with Abel on my chest rubbing his back to mainly calm myself for what I was about to tell them.

" I get that but it doesn't make sense as to why you did it." Said the President and I took a deep breathe,

" I know from personal experience what it is like to be separated from a parent because the other one hates them. My mom took me from my dad and basically used me against him to make sure he paid child support and if he didn't pay he didn't see me. Now I know this is the case with Abel but he was taken from you and that didn't sit right with me." I told them and they all nodded at what I had to say.

" I have to say thank you but that doesn't seem good enough because honestly you brought my son back without hesitation and don't want nothing in return. You have earned all of our respect that is in this room." Jackson told me and I said to him,

" I do have one request it's small but would it be ok to stay around for a few more days to spend time with him before I leave. I have grown attached to him and it would mean the world to me if I could." I looked to Jackson and he smiled a panty dropping smile and said,

" I don't see why not, any object?" He looked around and not one of them disagreed. I was relieved and went to thank them.

" No need to thank us Doll, you brought our VP's boy home. You are welcomed her as long as you want to." The SAA told me. I smiled and walked out as the President banged a gavel.

We all went to get a drink and they all introduce themselves as Clay, Tig, Opie, Piney, Juice, Bobby, Happy, and Gemma, then a Prospect named Halfsac. Didn't want to know why he had it until he unzipped his pants and dropped them. I was shocked to say the least and he got smacked in the head and I laughed at him. He was something else, I could get used to being around here.

" How are you doing darlin'?" Jax asked me

" Ok just tired, time change and all. Glad to be back in the states." I told him and he smiled at me. He was sexy and since seeing him I have had some interesting dreams about him. I wish I could reenact them, and he was waving his hands in front of me to get my attention,

" Where did you go? Lost there for a second darlin'."

" Just thinking that's all. Got some where I can crash for a bit?"

He told me to follow him and I did, we went to a dorm like room and he told me I could catch a nap in there. Gemma had taken Abel home after a while and I was hesitant at first but Jax reassures me he was safe, Clay went with her and Halfsac was watching the house.

Jax told me he would wake me up in a few hours and I fell asleep in a blissful sleep with Jax on my mind.

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