Finding Love Again

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Requested by Shasta1989

Summary: You are the oldest daughter of Alex Trager, your mom was a Croweater. She didn't want to keep you but your dad asked her to keep you and raise you on his own. You come home for your half sister Dawns wedding and fall for a newly single Jackson Teller.

I was raised by my dad Alexander Trager and his Club the Sons of Anarchy in Washington then we moved to Charming when he met my step mother Colleen and had my twin sisters Fawn and Dawn. I never liked Colleen but loved my sisters, me and Dawn was the closet. Then Colleen took them away from us but we managed to stay in touch.

I ended up moving out of Charming as well because of my boyfriend Brian asked me too and so I went. To be honest it was the biggest mistake of my life but something good out of it my daughter Mackenzie was born and was the love of my life. She looked definitely like a Trager and hopefully not the attitude to go with it.

Brian was being a douche and decide to leave me but that was ok and lucky Dawn called me to come home for her wedding so I packed up mine and Mac's stuff and headed home where I should have stayed to begin with.

Dad knew about Mac but hasn't met her yet or the Club, she was going to have every single man in that Charter wrapped around her cute chubby hands, she was about a month old and was full of energy already. If she keeps this up I am going to have my hands full, but I loved her no matter what.

I pulled into the very lot that I grew up in cut my engine and as I was getting out of the car my dad stopped me to hug me and then looked into the car and seen his granddaughter, so he got her out of her car seat and held her to his chest.

" Hi little Mac I am your grandpa, sorry baby girl but you are stuck with me the rest of your life."

" That look is good on you hi daddy."

" Hey Shelly, sorry but not sorry about that douche Brian but glad you are home now, Dawn is in the Clubhouse with Gemma going over last minute preparations for the wedding."

So we walked in and I lost my breath when I saw Jackson Teller the walking god, I have been in love with him so long but Tara was always attached to his hip but I didn't see her anywhere which was odd.

" Hey Trager."

" Hey Teller."

He gave me a hug that lingered and to be honest I didn't want it to end.

" Welcome home Shelly I missed you a lot, please don't leave again."

He whispered into my ear, he sent shivers down my spine that man knew how to make a girl wanting more.

" Where is your shadow?"

" She's gone, left me."

" Sorry to hear that Jax."

" I'm not because you are home now and it was you who I have wanted for a long time."

" I come with a little girl who is a package deal."

" I have a son, so it's no problem darlin'."

With his famous Teller smirk and panty dropping smile I was done for and leaned in grabbed his face and kissed him with my all. He kissed me back with the same passion as me.

" Ok love birds glad you got that out in the open but I don't want to see that or my grand babie."

" Come here little Mac."

He took Mackenzie from my dad and she instantly curled into his chest and he smiled like he won the lottery. He looked good with the whole dad look, he was walking around like a proud Papa showing off his little girl.

" Well glad you two finally got together happy for you Sis."

" Thanks Dawn, now lets get you married."

So we sat there and finished putting the final touches on her wedding, met my future brother in law and then met my step son Abel who was the cutest little guy I have ever seen, he definitely looked like his dad. He was going to make girls go crazy, he sat on my lap the whole time while we planned the wedding just babbling away.

" He likes you because he usually don't sit on laps of people he don't know."

" I am the baby whisperer Gemma, all kids like me."

" Speaking of kids I am going to steal my grand daughter away from daddy and kiss on her."

Gemma was something else but I loved her she was my mom and I am glad she made me into the women I am today. She ruled with an iron fist and didn't take shit from anyone no matter who you were.

" Well we lost both the kids tonight Grandma wants them and there is no room for arguing."

" Fine by me, mommy and daddy need alone time to be reacquainted with one another."

" That we do darlin'."

We went back to his house and boy he didn't disappoint one bit, he had a combination of rough, love making and pure bliss. He had me shaking and quaking, man I wasn't going to walk right for a week seemed like but had to manage since I am walking down the aisle along with him tomorrow.

" Man Jax wow is all I have to say."

" I am all about pleasure baby."

" True."

We fell asleep and the next day Dawn saw me and laughed because she knew what I did and said I better be on birth control but told her if I got pregnant I got pregnant and Jax heard it and said the same thing. The wedding was beautiful and the reception was a blast, dad dancing with Mac, Gemma with Abel and me with Jax.

I found love again and it was great because I had my daughter, my son and the man who held my heart.

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