Jax's Baby Sister

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Summary: Clay and Gemma adopted you when you were one and Jackson was Nineteen. It was supposed to be temporary but they fell for you, hell the whole Club fell in love with you. Eighteen years later and you wind up pregnant with a deadbeats baby and he bails and a Son steps in and asks you to be his, how will your mom and dad react? How will Jax react?

I was adopted by Clay and Gemma Teller- Morrow, it was supposed to be only an temporary situation until a couple would adopt me but Gemma fell in love with me because of losing Thomas she wanted to adopt me fully, hell the entire Club fell in love with me. Jackson was so attentive to me, I was his world and vowed to protect me no matter what.

Growing up in SAMCRO was interesting to say the least but that dysfunctional family was my dysfunctional family and wouldn't trade them for anything, but at times drove me absolutely insane, would chase potential boyfriends away.

" Guys please please please leave my boyfriends alone, I will die a virgin at this point."

" Shelly it is to protect you and if they can't handle our craziness and the craziness around here how are they supposed to protect you?"

" Whatever guys but back off or I will get mom after you."

They knew I would get my mom on them, I was her little girl and she would do anything for me. It was around the time I was five when I asked why I didn't look like Jackson or my parents, mom sat down and told me the truth. I was wise beyond my years and mom knew that, I wasn't mad at them it made me love them more to take a complete stranger and raise them as your own.

" Mom if they keep it up I will die a virgin."

" Baby girl I understand your pain but they are protecting you, you are royalty."

" Mom taking their side is not fair, your not my favorite now."

I stuck my tongue out to her and she chuckled at me, we had an excellent relationship. Me and my dad different story we always butted heads, I loved him but he was so damn stubborn and so was I but he was more stubborn than me. Mom told us we were twins even though I wasn't blood, I was his shadow.

So I started to sneak around which was a challenge and met Brett who I thought I was in love with but he only wanted one thing and it was my virginity. What I didn't know I was pregnant until I was constantly getting sick, thought it was the flu but when I took a test it was positive oh shit I am dead women, he's a dead man. I had to tell him.

" Brett hey I am pregnant."

" It ain't mine. I can't have kids."

" I only slept with you and you didn't wear a condom."

" Whatever it ain't mine it's probably one of the guys at the Club. You like to hang around them a lot."

I punched him so hard that I broke my hand and he left, man fuck my life. Not only do I have to explain a broken hand but why I had to punch a guy, a guy I was secretly dating. Here goes nothing. I went to Tara and told her to keep her mouth shut, she knew I was pregnant because she had to X-ray my hand, it was broke in two places.

" Tara please don't tell anyone."

" I won't sweetie but your brother has to know ok."

" I will tell them, thanks for the ultrasound and X-ray."

We parted ways and I couldn't help to smile. There was a life growing inside me, a miniature version of me. I wasn't scared just nervous a human being was going to have to depend on me for basic survival. I walked the rest of the way to TM because to be honest I needed to clear my head, I was running different scenarios in my head on how this was going to turn out.

I walked into the Clubhouse and my brother smiled at me but then looked at my hand and he came over to me.

" What happened lil bit?"

" Can you call Church so that I can tell everyone at once and have mom there too."

He called Church and they all piled in including mom, I started to pace back and forth, it was a nervous habit of mine and Happy noticed me on the verge of a panic attack and got my attention.

" Shelly look at me a match my breathes ok?"

I did just that and looked into his eyes and followed matched his breathes and calmed down.

" Princess why did you call Church?"

" You guys have to let me tell you everything from the beginning, I need to get this out in the open. Promise me ok?"

They all promised and I started from the beginning, and I started to cry from all the built up anxiety and guilt of lying but they didn't have looks of disappoint or anger, no they had love, respect and pride.

" Oh sis don't cry ok, we aren't mad, well not at you but at the piece of shit that abandoned you. We are at fault for pushing you to have to sneak around and that is our fault."

They all hugged me and kissed me, congratulated me and was excited for the new life being brought into the world, what surprised me was when Happy pulled me aside and asked me something.

" I have liked you a long time now and was a pussy for not asking you sooner but I want you to be mine Shelly Morrow and let me raise this baby as my own?"

" Of course Happy yes, yes I want to be with you and it warms my heart that you will accept my baby as yours."

He kissed me and then he announced that we were together and he was raising the baby as his own. My family was happy for me, they seen how happy Happy made me and that was all that mattered.

Happy asked me to marry him and of course I said yes, it turns out we are having a boy and we decided to name him Nathaniel Clarence Lowman.

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