Thanksgiving Day

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* I won't be updating anything til Friday I am spending the day with my family so I decided to do a one shot for tomorrow.*

Summary: Thanksgiving was a big deal for your mom Gemma, she went all out for it. You have been serving overseas for two years now and was coming home but the family thinks you can't make it. How will they react when you come home?

I have been stationed overseas for two years now on a destroyer and was ready to come home, I had joined the Navy at eighteen and loved every minute of it. My mom Gemma Teller-Morrow wasn't thrilled at first because of the fact I was her baby and only daughter but Jax he told mom it was ok to let me go.

I always made sure if I was stationed in San Diego made it home especially if it was the holidays, well I told mom I couldn't make it home for Thanksgiving because my ship was out on maneuvers but I fibbed.

" Mom I'm sorry my ship is out in the Gulf of Mexico and not sure we will be back to shore in time for the holidays." I told her but I was lying I was already docked in Virginia with my discharge papers.

" Oh baby I wish you would be here, everyone misses especially poor Juice you know how he has a crush on you and you him even though neither would admit to it." Mom said and it was true I had a huge crush on him but I was busy with the Navy but now that all changed.

" I love you mom." I said and she said she loved me too and we got off the phone and had to check into the Navy hospital to make sure I was ok.

I had got hurt on the ship when there was a small explosion in one of the compartments I happened to be in at the time. Turns out it was a malfunction but it was bad enough for me to get a medical discharge and our ship had to go to the closet port.

I checked out fine and was on the next flight to California, as I landed I got a rental and headed home but stopping at Hannah's first for their delicious rolls if they had any.

" Welcome to Han- oh shit Gracie Teller?" Said a waitress and the only one to call me Gracie was my best friend Sierra. We went to school together and had the biggest crush on Chibs.

" Hey Sierra long time no see, quick question do you have any of those delicious rolls?" I asked

" Sure Gracie new batch came out how much?" She asked

" Two dozen? You know the guys love the rolls and I want to surprise them by bringing food." I told her and she said yes and grabbed me two dozen. I thanked her and told her to come by after work and she told me she would.

I got back into the car and was off to mom's, as soon as I got unto her street I had memories come flooding back and they were good and bad. I parked the car and went to the back to surprise her, I knew how to sneak in and out of this house until Clay caught me and had to stop.

I walked up to the door and heard mom barking orders most likely to the few Croweater's she trusted and the Old Ladies who showed up, I opened the door very quietly and looked around before I was fully in and shut the door quietly. Walked up to her and hugged her, she was turned around and screamed.

" Aww shit Grace Rose Teller you scared the shit out of me." She grabbed me and gave a bone crushing hug and told me to take the guys their beers because they all were watching football and was greeted by Louann, Donna and Wendy.

I quietly walked into the den where they were watching the game and waved a beer in front of Clay and he said,

" Thanks Grace, wait Grace?" He said

" Happy Thanksgiving everybody." I said

He got up and hugged me then was passed to each guy but when I got to Juice he got a kiss but not any kiss it was a passionate kiss.

" Well that was something I wasn't expecting but damn girl welcome home sweetheart." He kissed me again and told the guys I brought rolls from Hannah's and they cheered.

Mom called us for dinner and mom sat Juice next to me and Jax asked,

" Not that we are complaining you are home but why are you home so soon?" He asked and I got quiet for a second. Juice squeezed my hand and I went to tell them.

" There was an explosion on the ship where I happened to be. I was close but not too close and got thrown a bit. It was enough to get me a medical discharge. I am no longer in the Navy, just a civilian." I told them and they all told me that they were happy I made it out alive.

Sierra showed up a hour later and she sat next to Chibs and it was nice to be back with my family that I had missed, we talked for hours. Then we dispersed to different parts of the house, Sierra run off with Chibs some where and me and Juice went outside to my favorite spot.

I always went here to clear my head since I was a kid and it always calmed me down.

" You ok Grace?" Juice asked me as we sat on the swing, it was a porch swing but I put it out here.

" Juan I was so scared when the explosion happened, I know I walked away from it but I was afraid I wouldn't and never see my family again, you again." I started to cry and he held me and let me cry it out.

" Look at me Grace I love you and I am so glad you are home. I want you to be mine, will you?" He asked and kissed me.

" Of course you big goofball." I kissed him back

We got together and Sierra got with Chibs which I was so happy for her, she deserved to be happy as well and she thanked me for inviting her and I told her no problem. I was glad I came home for Thanksgiving because I got with the man I loved and I couldn't be any happier.

* I hope everyone has a safe and Happy Thanksgiving.*

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