Tell the World I'm Coming Home

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Summary: Your Tig's daughter who has been serving in the military. Your a US Marine who is finally coming home and Tig couldn't be more happier.

Tig's POV

" So when does her plane land?" Asked Jax as we were sitting around the Clubhouse waiting for Shelly's flight home. My little girl was an US Marine and I couldn't be more proud of her. I was getting excited for her to be home.

" Around five tonight, man I am so excited to see her, it's been two years and she finally coming home." I know I sound like a pussy but I didn't care when it came to Shelly. She was my world, her older sisters I love but they didn't like the life I lead, Shelly's mom accepted my life and allowed Shelly to be a part of it.

I had met Melody one night and we ended up with Shelly, but unfortunately when Shelly was fifteen we lost Melody, we both were devesated. Melody might not have been my Old Lady but she let me see Shelly all the time. We Co-Parented in peace, she didn't care if I was Biker. She didn't want Shelly to grow up without me, and then her mom died and she moved in with me.

She graduated the top of her class and then joined the Marines, she wanted to be like her dad and Uncle Koz, if it wasn't for her me and him wouldn't had made up and I was glad to have in help me raise her. We were proud when she joined and tested the highest you could on the test, she decided to be a Engineer.

She has been gone for two years now and she said she was ready to retire for the Marines and live in Charming and got a real good job in Oakland for a great company. She amazed me every day, she give the shirt of her back, the last dollar in her pocket, just about anything she would do for someone in need.

Don't ever cross though, she might be sweet but she did have the Trager attitude and wasn't afraid to use it. She was home for leave and a hang around wasn't getting the point she wasn't a Croweater and he was getting handsy. She had enough and slammed his head into the bar, the kneed him in the stomach and then told him to get the fuck out of the Club.

I was so proud of her, she handled herself and then went back to drinking like nothing happened. Laughing and joking with Juice, I could tell she liked him and he liked her, but her Military career came first before romance. I wouldn't mind seeing her with Juice, he was a good kid. He was loyal and a little bit of a goof but he was good for my little girl.

" Mom can't wait, she has a shit ton of liquor and food for her home coming. She misses her best friend." Jax told me and it was true, her and Gemma were best friends. She was sad when she joined the Marines but proud of her at the same time and whenever she came home Gemma threw one hell of a party.

Now that she was coming home for good so we had several Charters coming in for this. They loved her as much as we did, and Happy her best friend was happy for her to be home, he missed his drinking partner, I had asked him what he thought about her and Juice and said he was good for her but if he makes her cry brother or not he will get a new tattoo.

I was on my way to get my girl along with Happy and Koz. I knew she would be happy to see them, and I didn't want to ride solo, we might be at peace for the moment but you never know and plus we had Clay call Alvarez we were going up there to get my girl. He was ok with that and told me to tell her thank you for her service.

I was sitting outside waiting for her to walk through those doors but what I wasn't expecting was her running full force towards me and jumped in my arms. She was holding on to me for dear life, and I didn't want this moment to end. I had my baby back in my arms and I didn't want to let her go.

" Welcome home Marine, I missed you so much. So glad you are retired." I said, when she told me she was retiring I was excited and proud and told me her retirement ceremony was going to be in a week in San Diego and wanted the whole club to be there and would be honored to go.

She moved over to Happy and gave him a great big hug and a kiss on the cheek, then moved to Koz and did the same thing. We strapped her bag to my bike and headed back to Charming for her party, everyone was waiting for her arrival.  Especially Juice, he hasn't stopped talking about his friend coming home but I knew better. I need to talk to him to grow a pair and ask her out.

We made back to Charming and pulled into the Clubhouse lot, the place was decorated to the nines for her. She was smiling ear to ear. She knew this was all for her, and was going to enjoy it. A big ' Welcome home Marine' could be heard all the way to Lodi with this crowd, so she went around and greeted everyone who showed up, that's when I decided to ask Juice.

" So you going to grow a pair and ask my girl out?" His face turned eight shades of red when I asked him and he said

" Yes, glad I have your approval but I'm worried she won't want to but she might now she's retired. I need to stop over guessing myself and just do it." I agreed with him and we went to look for Shelly. She was with Packard from SAMDINO, and then Juice tapped her on the shoulder.

" Can I talk to you in private?" He asked and she nodded. They walked to the lot and he asked her

" I like you a lot and I want you to be mine."

" About time Juice, I will be honored to be yours." She said and kissed him.

My luck girl was home for good and has a good man.

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