Juan Carlos

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Requested by BGNation4ever

Summary: You are the daughter of Lee the President of SAMTAC, and their techie. You can hack into anything. SAMCRO has used your skills a time or two. That is how you met Juice the newest Prospect.

My name is Aron daughter of Lee President of the Washington Charter of the Sons of Anarchy, SAMTAC for short. I was the result of my dad sleeping with a well known Croweater but apparently didn't want me so she left me for my dad to raise.

Don't get me wrong he did a good job raising me and I was well protected by the guys especially Happy Lowman who is basically my brother, he has been there for me more than anyone else besides my dad.

Over the years I became the techie for the club, hacking into things that no one else could. I was so good at it I ended up helping SAMCRO who I grew close to over the years, being the Princess and all. They treated like a sister or a daughter they pretty much became my second family, dysfunctional but non the less my family that I loved.

Jax had called me asking for help, apparently their newest Prospect Juan aka Juice was having issues getting information on Darby the known drug dealer in Charming so this is where I came in. Now I have a huge crush on him but since being the Princess and all it's hard to date and doubt Juan will like me.

I had made it to Charming riding with Happy, well along side him because I don't ride bitch with anyone. I loved having my own bike, it's the freedom of feeling the wind in my hair, not restraints of a cage. I just loved the feeling of riding a bike.

As we pulled in I was greeted by all of the guys I have grown to love, but my eyes wonder to Juan and my heart skipped a beat, I had to look away before I went and kissed the goofy idiot.

" Hey guys how is everyone?" I asked

They all responded they were good and Jax downloaded me on their situation and so I went with Juice to get down to business, well once he was done talking to Happy. I was curious but went inside to get a drink.

Juice's POV

I had been crushing on Aron for a long time but she was always around Happy so I assumed she was with him and my chance of being with her went down the drain, or so I thought.

" Hey Juice come here real quick." Asked Happy so I went to him

" What's up Happy?" I asked him

" You like Aron?" I looked at him confused

"  No why?" I lied but didn't want to get a beat down by the Club Enforcer for staring at his women

" You're lying to me Juice, I see how you look at her. She's not mine if that is an issue." He said and I was shocked

" She's always with you so I assumed." I replied

" No she is like a sister to me, I just protect her. But if you want to be with her no Sweetbutts or Croweater's because I will kill you." With that he left and I went to find Aron.

Aron's POV

I was typing away looking for Darby when I felt a presence and looked up and saw Juice smiling like he won the lottery,

" Find anything?" He asked me and I huffed,

" No and it's frustrating." I ran my hand through my hair, but he kept smiling

" So I was wondering would you like to go out with me?" He asked and I smiled

" Like a date or as your girl?" I had to know where his heart was

" Both." He said smiling some more and I agreed but I said we had to find Darby first and then we would eat and he agreed.

Eventually we did find Darby and we went to eat and discussed how this was going to work, I wanted him to come up with me back home and tell my dad I was moving to Charming to be with him and dad was ok with it, he told him to treat me good and if he didn't he would kill him.

Eventually he patched in and we got married, he made me his Old Lady and Happy tattooed Juice's Crow on me because he said no one else was doing it. Life was good for us, we had our fights but we made up, he never cheated on me and that I was grateful for.

I was glad Jax called me to come down to Charming because I got the man I always wanted and we are starting a family of our own.

* Sorry for the short one shot but I finished it for you BGNation4ever

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