#34 Sweet Home

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If any one of you know this name from somewhere else, you're kinda cool, not gonna lie😏👉🏼👈🏼

Omg guys! I just finished college!!! This bitch is about to graduate soon!!

Now onto the story!☝️

Enjoy, my little wolves🐺

Casper's POV

I'm back home.

I stood stiff in front of my house, afraid of what was waiting for me on the other side. My heart was thumping loudly against my ribcage, I was close to throwing up at the mere thought of my parent's reaction when they see me.

Cassidy exhaled nervously beside me. Us, when they see us.

Kayla had left to check out the previous house she rented prior to kidnapping me, Troy excused himself to inform his parents of his whereabouts.

"What do you think she'll say? Oh God, What will dad say?!" Cassidy panicked, "I did not think this through!" She covered her eyes.

"I mean, what's the worst that could happen?" I asked aloud, "They'd disown us." Her eyes widened as it snapped up, "But that's not going to happen." I assured her with a slight quivering smile, "We'll get scolded at most."

She bit her bottom lip anxiously, "I don't wanna go, I don't wanna get scolded, I hate it already." Taking a few steps back, ready to make a run for it.

I grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards the door, "C'mon, best-case scenario, they'll be happy and excited that we came back and would want to hear all about our adventures."

She slapped her forehead, "Oh no."

I jiggled the doorknob only to find it locked, my finger flinched when I heard the bell ring as I pressed the doorbell button.


"This is something from a horror movie, I swear." I heard Cassidy whisper beside me.

"You're being ov-"

I got interrupted by the sound of the door being unlocked, the face we saw wasn't what we expected from our dad.

"Why do you look like you've done something wrong?" He furrowed his eyebrows at us, then calmly continued, "Have you? And why don't you have a key? Did you forget when you left? I've always reminded you both to have a key with you in case we're not home, how else would you get in?"

We froze at his casual scolding, nothing related to disappearing for months and showing up out of the blue. No slamming doors on our faces, or shouting loudly until our neighbours walk out of their houses to witness their new gossip, it was a terrifyingly unexpected reaction.

Due to being unresponsive, he turned around and saw our shocked features, "What?" He raised an eyebrow.

Cassidy was the first to snap out of it, and laughed aloud, "Oh, nothing, we're just surprised you didn't scold us for being late."

He frowned and checked his phone, "It is late, but you're not alone, and it's not something that happens a lot, so I'll let it slide. Anyway, dinner is ready." And walked further in towards the kitchen.

We stared at him as he departed, then turned to each other with a common question in mind.

What the hell?!

By the time we entered the kitchen, mom had placed the main dish on the centre of the table, and looked up at us, she smiled, "Oh, you're back! I was hoping you'd call before to bring some drinks. Nevermind now. Let's eat, today I made chelo kebab and French fries, I have rice from last night if you want, but your father and I will make sandwiches."

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