#16 Confession

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Casper's POV

"Shawty's so incredible, body language she's a poet—"

She's so bad—

"She's so bad and what's so sad—" Augustus sang emotionally, gripping his shirt tightly.

"She doesn't even know it." I continued along.

In a matter of seconds, he was beside me with his arm around my shoulder, "Little mama understand, the way you do the things the way nobody else can." He did a body roll. Or at least attempted.

"And you could probably get whatever from whatever man," I sang along with a smile.

"Just kiss already." Kate yelled from the front, receiving a few snickers from the girls.

Augustus sighed deeply, "Don't you think I've tried already!?"

Kate paused and turned her head, her serious expression made Augustus bite back a smile, "Try again, make sure I'm there next time."

"Your kink is fucking weird!" He exclaimed loudly.

I winced at the sound, rested my palm on my right ear and leaned away from him, "Hell! Augustus, I need my ears!"

"And I need a good fuck, but we don't always get what we want!" He snapped even louder, then pushed me away and walked faster. I was so confused.

Tiana and Kayla burst out laughing at him, Kate shook her head in disappointment.

The walk continued with useless bantering and irrelevant chattering, I studied my surroundings but it didn't do much. There are just so many trees.

What did I expect? A group of friends playing fortnight?? Idiot.

"Let's rest here." Augustus suggested, his eyes analyzing the small round empty space, "I'll grab some wood and we can start up a fire." And left.

The sun had dipped low, painting the sky a beautiful mixture of orange and pink, the wind picked up its pace and it felt colder, goosebumps covered my skin. Shit.

Winter is coming.

It was the simple act of remembering what Augustus said about heat and I was hoping I don't get to witness any womanhandling.

It is an opportunity though~

Fuck. No.

I don't know why the man inside my head disappeared and only came back when it was about girls and sex. Very typical.

I am only reminding you of your virgin dick~

Your untouched, sad, lonely dick~

It's going to shrink and sag at some point in your life. You're welcome~

I question your moral values...

I shook my head, tried to get rid of him and placed the heavy bag on the ground, Kayla went around to check the safety of the perimeter while Tiana and Kate were setting down the camp.

"I'll go help Augustus with gathering more wood." Kate informed before walking away.

It was quiet between Tiana and I as we worked, the silence was awkward but I did try to act normal, eventually she broke the ice.

"So, how is it between you two?" She asked curiously.

I looked at her confusedly, "Who are you talking about?"

She straightened her back, "You and Kayla, isn't there something going on...?"

"What?" I could feel my cheeks burning, "There's definitely nothing going on between Kayla and I, why would you say that?" I replied defensively.

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