#19 Taken for Granted

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Casper's POV

Man, I want to shit.

I groaned as I held my stomach in discomfort. So far throughout our journey, I only had to pee but it got real, and reality sucked.

"Shit," I grumbled under my breath, catching Kayla's attention, I stared intensely into her eyes, "Literally shit."

Her eyes widened in understanding, "Ah, okay, we can make a quick stop, hey guys! 'Lil guy wants to take a dump." She pointed a thumb towards me. My head tilted as I stared down at her midget size.

Well, technically, she wasn't that short, 5'2 tops, but compared to my heights? Yep, midget.

Offended by the nickname?~

I ignored him and watched the wolves nod to themselves and slipped their bags onto the ground, "How long do you need? Five minutes?" Tiana asked.

"Maybe," I answered with confusion, never had to count the time I spent in the bathroom before, "I do need water though."

"We got paper towels." Augustus replied.

"Not on my Persian ass!" I scolded, "I need water to wash my ass."

Kayla cleared her throat, it was then I noticed her staring at my you-know-what. I shrugged off the egotistical head the peeked through my shoulder and stared at her directly, "Yes?"

Shamelessly, she smiled as she slowly moved her eyes up to meet mine, "You can produce water."

"Kayla." I whined out her name.

"It's now or never, Casper."

"You know what? Fine! But I'm doing this alone, no one follows me." I gave them a warning glare before walking backwards then turned to find a good hiding spot.

Ugh, I miss my bathroom. The complete comfort of sitting down then carelessly flushing down the toilet without fearing it might smell, the water hose that's used to clean my skin and tissue rolls that sat perfectly on my left side for me to roll out a couple and use it to wipe my wet butt.

I hate the outdoors with a passion.

I got into a clear distance where they could clearly see my face but most of my squatted body was hidden behind a thick bush. My sweatpants and boxer briefs were completely off along with my socks and shoes.

I took deep breaths and called within myself to "produce water". Man, I wish it was that simple.

My eyes closed but my butthole clenched at the thought of not having any water to wash it down later. I shook my head at the disgusting thought and tried meditating.

"Okay, please, if I shit right now, I would like it if you, uh, make water come out of my, ehm, body to clean myself." I gulped nervously, not feeling a sense of change.

Okay, just got for it!

Slowly, I did it, the mere thought that it might not work bugged me throughout the whole process, but I managed to get it all out and breathed out to relax.

Okay, now!

I tried imaging the picture of nice cold water wash down on me. . .

Nothing happened.

A small cry left my lips, this was never going to work! I am an idiot!!

Just as I was about to accept the paper towels, a cooling sensation ran down the back of my spine, I gasped inwardly aloud, my back arching at the coldness before it stopped all at once.

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