#8 Sexuality

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Casper's POV

Day two, it couldn't get any worse.

It made sense that it was Monday. Mondays suck!

And I hate the fact that I wasn't in my bedroom, back in my hometown, I still dream that this was all a nightmare.

That's a long, ass nightmare~

I sighed and walked out of the room and saw Tiana in the hallway, she greeted me with a smile, "Good morning!"

I grumbled as an answer and walked past her, entering the kitchen with a big appetite.

Oh, it has only been one day and they changed you, Casper~

I wish I could beat that person inside my head. He's too annoying.

I sat at the table and poured myself water in a glass, Augustus and Kate were cooking together while laughing, Kayla was nowhere to be found and Tiana just walked in and sat in front of me.

I don't think I can get used to this. These strangers.

"You know you can control that, right?" Tiana asked excitingly as she pointed at the glass of water in my hand.

I stared at it then looked back at her, I quickly chugged back the drink then looked back at her, "Cool." I muttered.

She smiled weirdly at me before looking back at her friends, "What's taking you so long!?"

"Ah, shit! I knew they'd notice!" Augustus shook his head and stepped back.

I stared confusedly at the burnt food, then gazed at a bashful Augustus in question.

"I wasn't paying attention," He excused himself, "Totally had the eggs under control, until I saw a squirrel climbing a tree. Not my fault!"

He's really an animal.

Augustus rested his hands on his hips with sass and said, "Well, that's a fact you have to live with."

Did I say that out loud?

Tiana laughed then glanced at Kate, "Is the food ready?"

Kate nodded, "Knew what was happening before it happened." She stepped back and brought the freshly cooked sunny side up.

"Why didn't you stop him then?" I asked obviously.

Kate thought for a moment then laughed, "I can't even lie about it, the squirrel caught my attention too."


The smell of eggs entered my nostrils and dunked into my empty stomach, causing it to growl in response. I held my fork and reached for the eggs.

"WE HAVEN'T SAID PRAYERS YET!" Kayla screamed as she waltzed in and sat beside me, smiling innocently.

My hand had already given up on my fork, it fell on the table with a clank, I glared at her as my heart froze for a moment.

I kept my jaw clenched and stared at the three wolves who looked at her weirdly, "We don't say prayers." Augustus filled in the silence.

She shrugged, "I know, just wanted to give him a shock." And grabbed her fork, stabbing into the piece of egg I've been staring at.

That- That-!

Let's be real, there are no words for this type of betrayal~

I exhaled through my nose and went to eat.

"Ready for day two, Casper?" Augustus asked excitingly.

I smiled openly with chewed food in my mouth to which Tiana and Augustus cringed at.

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