#13 Mundane

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Fun fact: I wrote The Artful Beast in Kayla's POV in my previous attempt to finish this story, so it's so weird writing it in Casper's and seeing an outsider's view on her reactions 😂😅

Casper's POV

Five days

That's how long it took me to get used to Kate slaughtering the poor harmless animals, although I wasn't keen on her style of teaching, I finally understood what she meant.

Wouldn't want to be an animal crossing Kate in this cursed forest.

One day she would keep me alone with the corpse, another day she would surround me with limbs and organs of the animals, making me feel like a sacrifice to satan, all for the sake of strengthening my mind.

I didn't want to admit it, but it worked, having hours spent with her, I could see results quickly. She was satisfied, to say the least.

You know what they always say, it's always the quiet ones.

"Let's drink tonight!" Kate announced with a big grin.

Augustus's ears perked up and his eyes lightened at the idea like a child staring at a Christmas tree for the first time, "I'm in."

Tiana shrugged with less enthusiasm but gave a small grin, trying her best to keep up with the mood. Kayla frowned at her grumpy friend but didn't say anything.

Right. Kayla. I never got the chance to ask her about how she knew I was Water, for some reason, after I got back from my first training with Kate, Kayla seemed more distant. She was her normal perky self, but she wouldn't keep her eyes on mine for longer than a second.

I shrugged it off, concluding it was something I shouldn't be concerned about, so it didn't get to my head.

"You're going to be my drinking buddy," Augustus pointed at me with his index finger, "No backing out."

I gave him a tight smile, "I don't drink."

He rolled his eyes, "I'm sure today is an exception!"

"No." I straight up said.

"Fine." He grumbled under his breath.

"You deserve a break, training too much will only hinder your development." Tiana said quietly, giving me an encouraging small smile.

I turned to see Kayla nodding and waited for her to comment, but instead, she glanced at me then quickly diverted her gaze and cleared her voice, "Uh, I'll be in my room, call me when you start celebrating."

My heart tugged at her departing figure, causing me to frown in confusion. Why was I getting affected by her distance? We kissed twice and I was already thinking about her.

She doesn't fill my mind all the time, but she'll be my last thought before going to sleep, it kept me feeling safe. But the confusion bugged me more. Why was I feeling these emotions so suddenly? At first, I hated her immensely, then it turned to dislike that quickly developed to understanding her— and then this. What does this even mean?

I took a long bath before getting into my PJ's, a knock caught my attention and my feet quickly went to the door, guessing who it was.

My disappointment didn't show when Augustus walked in and laid on my bed with a sigh, "Women."

I stared at him with my hand on the knob, "Yeah?"

He shook his head with his eyes closed, the baby blue hair fell backwards, revealing his soft forehead, "Have you ever thought that there's someone made just for you? Someone who'll make you feel complete? A whole? And vice versa."

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