#14 Bro Code

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Enjoy the filler chapter❤

Casper's POV

Okay, Casper, you can do this. YOU'RE THE MAN. You've been giving yourself a hard time. Suck it up and ask for it.

I stepped out of my room with my heart against my ribcage, beating furiously at what I'm about to do.

It's fine. We're fine. I'm fine. It's normal.

I've never asked for anything, so it'll be fine. Right?

I stopped in front of the door and knocked twice, waiting for him to answer. The door opened and soft baby blue hair popped out, Augustus smiled at me, "Casper! Come, join me in my humble abode."

I nervously entered, fingers fidgeting and palms sweating, "Uh, I actually came here to ask for something."

His room was plain like mine, but with the additional written quotes on his walls. He raised his eyebrows in interest, "Yeah? Tell me."

"Do you have umm, this isn't something I'd usually ask for—do you uhh—" I rubbed the side of my neck, "Do you have lube?"

Augustus's expression didn't falter or change, "Yeah, I think so. Wait, lemme find it for you."

Oh, that was easy. Thank God.

"Hmm, where did I put it?" Augustus mumbled under his breath as he checked his drawers and cabinet, "Hang on a sec, I'll ask Tiana. She might know." He walked out of the room.

My eyes widened and I was behind him instantly, "Wait, no—August—"

"Ay Tiana!" He called for her loudly, her head popped out from the library/office, "Have you seen my lube? The fruity flavoured one?"

She showed disinterest, "Why ask me?"

"You've used it once because it smelled like strawberry." He explained normally.

She nodded her head in agreement, then asked him, "You need it?"

My throat was banging from the heartbeats.

"Oh no, it's for Casper." He waved her off, she turned her head towards me.

I want to drown. This can't get any worse.

"Sorry man, I gave it back right after I used it." She apologized and shook her head at me with a look full and empty of judgment before disappearing behind the door.

I sighed loudly, "It's fine, Augustus, I don't—"

"Oh, I remember, KATE!" He called out even louder, basically screamed her name in a high pitch voice as he exited the cottage.

"Augustus, please!" I begged with my eyes, body, voice, and soul.

"I got you, buddy. Don't worry." He looked back and winked in reassurance.

Kate and Kayla were meditating. Kate was on the ground breathing deeply while Kayla was beside her but on her back with her sunglasses on. I ignored looking at her chest since she was wearing a baby pink singlet that did nothing to secure the upper assets.

"Kate, have you seen my lube?" Augustus asked, and Kate shook her head slightly and silently while Kayla removed her glasses and looked at him.

"You need it badly?" She asked him with a mischievous smirk.

He shook his head and said the embarrassing sentence, "Not for me, it's for Casper."

Both Kate and Kayla stared at me differently.

Yeah, what did you expect from a virgin guy? I don't go around having sex, but that doesn't mean I don't masturbate. Especially not after the event with Kayla and catching too many glimpses of her skin.

"You want to masturbate, Casper?" Kayla asked while staring at me intensely.

My face couldn't burn more and I knew my heart gave out already. I'm supposed to be dead but somehow I've managed to survive a heart attack.

Augustus looked back at me, as if waiting for a casual yeah, totally not gonna think about you, I mean it's only been a day after seeing you naked, don't get your hopes up, ah ha haha.

"You know what?" I stepped back, "Nevermind." And slowly made my way to my room, closing the door and wished God would cut off my dick and let me live in peace.


It was supposed to be a bro thing Auggy *slaps forehead*

Reminded me of when my mom used to ignore my eye language back when I was a kid. "Why are you looking at me like that?"


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