#22 Unleash

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Casper's POV

Her screams.

I don't think I'll ever get used to them.

The want— no, the need to comfort her grew stronger and stronger by the second. I grew relentless. My instincts the moment I wake up was to check if she was there and if she was alive. Then I would check if he had returned. Water.

My first thought when Oliver barged in was 'kill him'. I felt as if an animalistic side of me was unleashing. Something that was building up from the first time I got kidnapped and only became vicious when I got taken again.

The room was quiet as we both watched him sharpening his dagger slowly, casually as if it was therapeutic for him.

My eyes focused on his neck, I imagined all the blood that ran through his veins would stop.

My fingers tingled with cold prickles.

My heart dropped.

I didn't hesitate and said, "Could you scratch my arm for me?"

He gazed at me from under his lashes in annoyance and ended up ignoring me completely.

"C'mooon~" I whined loudly and continued to let out irritating noises until he broke down and marched towards me.

"Maybe I should start teaching you a lesson!" He shouted, brought his face inches away from mine. . . And away from Kayla.

I didn't utter a word as I used all of my energy and focused on stopping the flow of his blood. It's killing time, baby!

His eyebrows furrowed in wariness, "What's wrong with your eyes?"

Ignoring his question, I concentrated on my target and even closed my eyes to picture the damage until the familiar cold sensation came back. Soon, a choking sound was heard.

I opened my eyes and watched as Oliver took a step back, one hand was holding his neck and an obvious question was on his face. What the fuck?

I couldn't help but smirk, which caused him to widen his eyes as realization sank in that I was the reason behind his suffocation.

"Die." I whispered wickedly.

He let out a resisting growl before smiling creepily. I couldn't have stopped what was on his mind, his arm quickly flailed backwards and the dagger that was once in his hand was stuck in Kayla's stomach.

"No!" I yelled as anger took over and continued his suffering. My focus averted to his brain which made him scream out in pain as he gripped his head.

His legs caved in and fell on the ground, "Stop! Please stop!" He begged.

"Have mercy!!!"

"I can't take this much!"

"Please! Have mercy on me!!"

His cries were useless as Kayla's voice was begging me to end his life.


His body shook absurdly fast, his skin turned an ugly shade of purple, a grin in the shape of a snarl touched my lips when blood started pouring out of his eyes, ears, and nose, his purple nails were scratching his face.

He gurgled on his blood while his body slowly calmed, his legs twitched a few times before it completely stopped. Bloodstained eyes stared at the ceiling.

I let out an exhausted breath as relief washed over me.

"Casper!" Kayla's weak call caught my attention.

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