#33 Names

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I watched spiderman: no way home... and I am not okay.

I can't stop thinking about it!! Not gonna spoil anything but damn the movie was sooo gooooooood😩💖

Casper's POV

Elder Boman. My knight in shining armour.

Kayla had contacted him before leaving Tiana's house, he had arrived late, but it was better than nothing.

The look on Damon's face was worthy of being in one of those Karen videos, he spoke so innocently in front of the Elder that it made me cringe. We got his approval after five minutes of back and forth with the Elder until he gave up.

What an Alpha... Pathetic.

I could have easily shown him my powers to gain status, however, my power was a secret I intended to keep, and I wasn't ready to raise war since I have a feeling werewolves would take my move as a threat- I guess it would seem like a threat. All in all, acting macho wasn't going to cut it.

Elder Boman gave us thumbs up when we were being led to Augustus's room. I knocked on the door when Kayla didn't and walked in.

His hair was the first thing that caught my attention, his natural black hair had grown and took up an inch from the top of his head, and the light blue that was vibrant seemed faded. His dark puppy eyes held mine, and I can see the dark circles under his eyes vividly, his pale skin looked- well, paler than before. Sick.

He stood up from the chair that was placed in front of a table and put the book on the corner of the empty desk.


My first instinct was to reach forward and pull him in a hug, that seemed like the right thing to do. My feet lead me to him, and both of our arms wrapped around each other.

"Holy shit!" He whispered in disbelief, his hot breath fanning my neck, "You're alive?!"

"Yeah!" I said happily as if I was as shocked as him, "Man, I missed you, I was so worried something happened to you."

"Us? You were the ones who were taken?!" He was taken back by my statement, "Where's Kay-" His voice dropped when his eyes landed on her.

She grinned silently and waved.

"You're not hurt, are you?" He asked with worry in his tone.

She shook her head, "I'm okay."

"Are you sure?" Worry was replaced with seriousness.

"He's gone, Augustus." She stated. The grin on her face had widened into a smile, "Forever gone."

His eyes swung from hers to mine to search for confirmation, "You killed him? Does Tiana know? Have you told her about-"

"Yeah, we did, we saw her first." I patted his shoulder in assurance, "We came here to see you now, we heard about what happened from Tiana."

He blinked and rubbed his eyes a few times, "Yeah, that was a stressful week, lemme tell ya! What about you? What happened to you?" He asked us.

And there went another half an hour of explaining.

He laughed openly, his eyes disappearing in the process, "I can imagine their reaction when they saw the hurricane, like 'Shit, I did not sign up for this'"

"It was cool, though," I brushed off the nonexistent dust off my shoulder, "Kayla was swooning in my arms."

"I was dying." She raised an index finger near my nose.

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