#26 Lafayette

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Holy shit I forgot I had a story!

So sorry for the late update, I'm going to learn from this and mark the dates of when I have to upload a chapter😅😅😅


Casper's POV

Lafayette, huh?

Ooh, what a lovely name~

I shook my head with a smirk, "Who would've thought?"

Not you, that's for sure~

I chuckled as I entered Kayla's room. Cassidy and Troy took a seat on the sofa that was placed near her bed. I bit my bottom lip in nervousness as I prepared to change their world.

"Who is she?" Cassidy asked quietly as she watched Kayla's bruised face.

For the first time, Troy didn't crack a girlfriend joke as I had expected; he sat there stiffly with his unwavering gaze on her relaxed face.

I gulped, mentally preparing myself for the worst, "She's, uh. . . Remember our new neighbours? There was Tiana, Augustus and Kate. They had another friend that couldn't come for dinner, Kayla. That's her." I waved at her unconscious figure in a lame excuse of an introduction, and their eyes widened in surprise.

Troy's eyes glanced down at his lap while he calculated many theories and their probabilities, "So, you ran away with her, got in a massive fight to which she fought while you ran to save your ass, then went back to get her and came here due to her injuries that led her into a coma. Am I right?"

I narrowed my eyes at him, deeply offended. He wasn't far off.

Cassidy nodded in agreement; her expression seemed relaxed, "I can see that happening."

Troy looked at her with a knowing look, "Right? You can see it too."

I scoffed loudly at them.

She hummed thoughtfully, "Oh yeah, I remember that time I fought that chick, Mina, when she tried to bully him, he kept hiding behind the crowd while I kicked her ass."

Troy covered his mouth to avoid laughing, "Shit. I was there that day! I wanted to take the day off, but mama didn't take a massive headache and diarrhoea as an excuse. You were badass, though, still are." He gave her a sheepish smile.

She rolled her eyes, "I know," And flipped her curly hair, then brought her attention to me, "Is he right?"

I glared at them, greatly irritated, "No, he's wrong." Then sighed and sat on my bed and pinched the bridge of my nose, closing my eyes for a moment before looking at them seriously, "Listen, what I'm about to tell you will change your life, I— I don't know how you'll react, but I hope you can keep an open mind. Okay?"

Troy casually analyzed me, then stared at my sister, "Am I the only one who sees how bulky he is?"

"And has a good tan," She nodded, "Kayla did him good, that's for sure."

Troy smirked at me, "My boy became a man! Alright!" He nodded in approval.

"Will you guys focus?" I frowned at them, "I'm serious."

Cassidy let out an exhausted breath, "We know that. We're just tired after the long journey."

"And there's more to come," I added seriously, "There are things I've seen and found out that completely changed me, and if you want to stay here with me, you'll have to adjust to what I know, or else it can get confusing really fast."

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