#4 Mango Cheesecake

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Casper's POV

"Oh my God, oh my God, oh My God! What am I going to wear? What look should I do? I need to choose the perfect perfume; wear nice sandals~ I can't show too much effort–" Cassidy rambled as she walked to her room, one shoe dramatically fell near the doorstep while the other stayed on her foot.

I rolled my eyes at her.

"I need to go buy grocery, I'm sure they're expecting something delicious and juicy," Mom smacked her lips as if tasting her dish, "Those girls are so thin I think they're dieting on water. Not in my house." She shook her head, and dad stared at her as she continued to discuss with herself, "I'm thinking medium-well steak, mash potatoes, and steamed vegetables, I'll prepare my famous spinach salad and of course I'll tell Cassidy to bake her mango cheesecake." She decided proudly, "What do you think?" Turning to my dad.

He patted her shoulder and nodded. That was enough to lighten her mood and put a smile on her face.

Mango cheesecake? Don't mind if I do.

I left them and walked to my room. Troy was sluggishly laid on his back with my laptop on his chest, the light from the screen illuminated his focused face, he noticed me enter and sat up straight, "So, how was it?"

I paused to think, "I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?" He dropped the laptop beside him and folded his legs, "How can you not know?"

I gave him a raised eyebrow, "I meant that my mind couldn't function right when the smoke almost killed us."

His eyes widened in interest, "Smoke? Kill? Wow, I missed out on a lot."

After explaining the whole situation and how everyone looked, I was reminded of tomorrow's dinner, so I invited Troy since I didn't want to be alone with people who looked my age but accomplished more than I did.

"Oh boy! We gotta choose an outfit," He stood up and went to my dresser.

"But the dinner is tomorrow." I reminded him.

"Exactly!" I decided to rest on my bed while he rummaged through my clothes, "Dude, who buys this stuff anymore?"

I lifted my head to see the plain turquoise shirt with a small happy emoji on the top left that he held and shrugged, letting my head fall on the pillow, "I didn't. I got it as a birthday gift from my mom last year."

"And you kept it? Honestly, I'm disappointed. Next time, you go shopping with me, alright?" There was a serious tone in his voice that made me chuckle.

"Whatever." That is if I ever decided to go shopping.

"What're you going to wear for tomorrow?" He asked, still hiding in my closet.

"I don't know, a plain shirt and jeans?" I let out as a question.

He spluttered, "Excuse me! No friend of mine is going to give that impression. Nope." I can feel him shaking his head with my eyes closed. It put a smile on my face. "I'm going to make you fabulous, country boy. You hear me?"

"Do whatever you want, Troy." I waved him off. The sound of his humming brought a random thought to my mind, "Oh, and you can finally relax, Cassidy found her a new target, the guy Augustus we met earlier."

The humming stopped.

"Did you hear me?" I raised my head to look at his hidden figure behind my closet door.

The sound of his chuckle reached my ears, "Yeah, finally, am I right?"

Without needing to see his face, I can sense his disappointment.

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