Just a reminder

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English isn't my first language, therefore, my vocabulary and grammar suckssss hard

I tried... I really tried 😂 so I hope you enjoy this rollercoaster of a ride!

You see that picture at the top? That's exactly why it took this long. And I'm sorry, I'm so sorry that I might upload an apology YouTube video🤥😔

I want to be very clear here:

✨You guys are free to comment your opinions about these characters, situations, theories, etc. You can hate/love/like/dislike these characters, I actually enjoy reading your perspective of things/people✨

I don't get upset about these things. I am nothing like these people so insulting them does not mean you're insulting me.


If this story does not end up being your forte, then it's no one's fault, not mine and not even yours. Simply leave the story. The door will be waiting for you 🥰👉🏼🧼🚪

I don't mind if you correct my spelling, constructive criticism is fine too.

And just as fun fact, some of the characters are based off of actual people.

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