#21 Hope

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⚠️ Things are about to turn dark. This is my one and only warning ⚠️

If you want to skip, skip now and find the "SAFE ZONE🏳🛤🏝🏖⛲🌞" sign to continue reading.

Good luck.

Casper's POV

"NOOOOOOOO!" I screamed at the top of my lungs when he lifted both of her legs and rested them on his shoulders, his face deep in her lady parts.

I lashed out and pulled the chains in a terrible attempt to break them, I felt murderous for that man. I was never the killing type, even back at home, I would leave the butchering and spider vacuuming to my family.


My gaze stared dead at the back of his head as it moved while letting out pleasurable moans. My palms fisted tightly as I pictured them grabbing his curls and smashing his face at the edge of his aluminium table.

Steadily, my vision moved to Kayla's indifferent expression. She must be crying on the inside.

Tears gathered in my eyes as I hoped my useless powers would come to use, "Please." My sight blurred from the salty water. I begged wholeheartedly for someone to save us.

Water. Where the hell are you?

My throat ached as I gulped down my puke when I noticed Kayla's body twitching, "What are you doing?? Hey!! What are you fucking doing?!!"

It wasn't until he finally pulled away and dropped her legs to the ground, her wrists holding her weight up while her legs laid dead, he decided to give me a single glance.

"Phew, that was nice. Though, I don't think I'm satisfied yet." He spoke to himself while I was left glaring at him.

"Stop!" I yelled when I saw him unzipping his pants, "Don't you think you've done enough damage?? You broke her bones, took away her honour, and stripped her away from her powers! Why are you doing this? What did she do to deserve your anger??"

He. Froze.

The room went silent.

My lips trembled in fear and loathe as he leisurely whirled around to face me, "Nothing. She did. . . Nothing." His eyes held no emotion.

I watched as he strode to the table and picked a scalpel, carefully lifting it to his eyes to check its sharpness, then went back to Kayla and picked her left thigh and started scratching her skin.

I couldn't stop myself as I vomited the last food and liquid I had. Ham sandwich and water.

That does not look like my ham sandwich.

"Oh God," I groaned painfully as my stomach scrunched tightly, "Fuck you. I hope you get your karma. Remember, you dipshit, you'll get what you deserve." I threatened as well as prayed.

"There! Branded." He announced proudly as he wiped the blood that dripped down her thigh.

Branded. He branded her.

My back stiffened as her soft cries started filling the room, Oliver glanced up at her face when she flinched in discomfort.

"I guess the drug is wearing off," He muttered thoughtfully, "To do or not to do? That is the question!" He dramatically threw a finger in the air as if he was questioning the universe.

I shook my head as rage filled me, "I'll kill you." I mumbled under my breath and kept repeating.

"She's mine! There's no need to question yourself!" He laughed maniacally and pulled his pants down.

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