#10 Monster

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Casper's POV

On the way back to hell, we laughed at our silly conversation. How high do you have to get to end up discussing whether it's an advantage if guys can transform their dicks into a third leg? 

Kayla stopped to show me her helicopter hair twist which caused it to slap my cheek twice before I managed to grab it while she laughed with tears.

"Told you it's a deadly weapon!" She kept on sobbing with laughter.

I rubbed my cheeks while chuckling along with her, "Have you ever used it on anyone?" I released her soft hair.

She wiped a tear, "No one had the privilege of being my victim."

"Hello?" I waved at her with a questioned look, "What about me? Remember what you did to me at the basement?"

She burst out laughing while clutching her stomach, "You almost shat your pants!"

I scoffed with a grin, "I did not! And shat isn't even a real word."

Pretty sure it is~

"Like I care enough to check the dictionary." She rolled her eyes.

"Where were you guys!?" A voice snapped in anger.

We paused to look at a pissed off Tiana as she stared at us with a fierce glare.

Kayla's smile fell, "We went to the waterfall to relax. What's wrong?" She asked in worry.

Tiana smiled tightly, "And why didn't you tell us?"

She frowned in annoyance, "It's not like we went to an unknown place, we used to go there all the time, what's the matter this time?"

"You left without telling us!" She fired loudly.

Kayla kept calm, "Augustus saw us leave, he knew we left."

Tiana glared at her, "And you didn't care to tell him where you left, how typical of you, Kayla, real mature. Do you know what you've done!?"

"You think I would've asked if I knew!" She raised her tone a bit.

"He came back!" Tiana yelled shortly.

Long pause.

And then, "You left and the spell broke! If we knew you'd go that far then we would've taken extra measures!"

Kayla's eyes widened in shock, "B—But it's been years," Her chest heaved as she tried to calm her breaths, "H—He can't come back! Why now?! He never did when we left, so why now!?" She asked with terror in her eyes.

I gazed at Kayla in worry as my hand hovered over her shoulder but never touched.

Tiana pursed her lips and did nothing to console her friend, "Come and see what you've done." Turned away and walked inside the cottage.

I took Kayla's hand and pulled her inside the house since she seemed too shocked to move, the place looked neat and untouched, I was confused by the way everything looked.

What did he do?

My question was answered when we entered Kayla's room, right there on the opposite wall where everyone can see as they enter through the door, the bottom half of a girl's body was nailed to the wall while the upper half was nailed upside down. Blood was everywhere and I couldn't stare for too long. It was too much.

I turned around at the stench and sight and took deep breaths to calm my gag reflexes, the urge to puke my guts out seemed more appealing than what I saw.

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