#6 A Whole New World

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Casper's POV

I don't think God heard my prayer right. This is not what I sighed up for.

"You know, the more you ask questions, the better. You're making things awkward." She shrugged while twirling a lock of hair, still hidden in the shadow but the lines of her body and movement were visible if I looked closely.

I inhaled deeply after the long stare, "What do you want me to say? Where do I start?"

She smiled excitedly—I don't know how I knew that— and went to grab something, "Anything! Seriously, anything would be fine. Oh! Beg for your life and then say, in a very fearful tone, that you would do anything for me." A snicker left her lips before she composed herself, "No really, demand for some answers, perhaps?" She came back with a chair and sat in front of me, still hidden in the shadows.

I nodded, "Alright," I dug deep into my useless brain, "Why am I handcuffed to the chair?"

Seems like a useful question.

Her smirk fell, "Why else would you be handcuffed, dumbass? I kidnapped you. I don't want you to escape." She scoffed.

I hummed in understanding, "I see..."

"You see what? What is wrong with you? Why are you so calm?" She snapped, it might've been my imagination, but I saw smoke coming out of her earholes.

Why am I so calm? That's a good question. Maybe my mind still hasn't absorbed the full situation I was in. I looked at the dark space I was placed in and thought, 'They should really be fixing the lighting in here, someone could hurt themselves while tripping.' And that is definitely not normal.

"On second thought, you don't have to answer that." She held a finger up, "You're not normal to begin with, I shouldn't be surprised."

When's the dream going to end? Eh, might as well enjoy it while I can.

"ET go home, stranger." I spoke in a high alien voice.

She tilted her head in confusion, "What?

"You're really pretty, from what I can see. Hope we meet in the real world." I smiled, "None of the girls ever talk to me, but I like you, you're lucky picking a virgin guy." I just couldn't stop.

"What the—?" She whispered.

"Are you going to sacrifice me to the Gods? Is this what's going to happen?"

I should wake up right now. Now would be a perfect time...

"Anytime now." I tapped my foot, the only thing I can move other than my neck.

She leaned closer, "Are you waiting for something?"

I nodded, "Yep, waiting for this dream to end."

"Dream?" She gazed sideways towards a wall, then slowly turned her head towards me with an evil grin, "A dream huh?"

My eyes widened. Holy sh–


"Get away from me, you devil!" I screamed in utter fear as her eyes started to change color, "Get away! Get away!" I almost choked up on my spit when she walked closer to me.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!! Ahjabhagzuyvuw— Beep. Mind shut down.

I used my upper body strength and jumped backward, pushing the chair back, which caused the chair to fall and I flinched at the impact of my back hitting the floor.

Cue embarrassing expectations vs reality.

"Calm down, darling." She said with amusement.

I heard her footsteps as she approached and then knelt down beside my head, "Tsk tsk tsk, what a disappointment. Another drama queen is exactly what we need right now." She exclaimed sarcastically.

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