#36 Immortality

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Casper's POV

Two weeks later~

"Boom. I'm dead."

I stared at her ridiculously when she simply brought up the news of her inevitable death and our possible break up as if she was talking about dinner, "Why? Just why are you bringing that up now?" I asked in annoyance, "I'm being serious about us and you're purposely making a joke about it. Every time I talk about us, you either ignore my words or bring up death! What am I supposed to take from that?" My hands fisted on the table as I stared firmly into her eyes which seemed to widen at my outburst.

Despite being early in the relationship, our differences have made their way fashionably unwanted and have continued to ruin all of our dates.

She dropped her eyes silently then intertwined her fingers together, "I don't know if you have noticed, but the reality is the life we're living in, how can you talk about a future with me when you're an immortal who has a bigger responsibility at hand? Am I supposed to ignore that? Are you willing to be with me? Watch me grow old and die while you have many years ahead of you? Have kids that you wouldn't be able to raise because your hands would be full? I don't know about you, but if I were in your position, I wouldn't go for it, I don't want to put you in a situation where you'd have to choose."

At this point, my eyes had found their way to my plate, Kayla's decent attempt at cooking tempura sushi and crab salad.

I guess she was right, I was having a hard time swallowing the truth, the fact that there would come a time she wouldn't be here with me. Dead?

"And it's not just me, your family, Casper, have you forgotten about them?"

"No." I gulped hard, tasting the bitterness of my ignorance.

Her hand reached out but it couldn't reach mine due to her short arm, I glanced at it before sighing, placing my hand on hers.

"It's hard to accept, I don't know how Elements work— how they're going to make us live our short lives while you live out yours, I find myself angry that I'm falling for you every day, I can't help what I'm feeling but I know accepting reality will help. You will leave us and move on to the next stage of your life. I am simply contemplating whether it's healthy to continue this relationship that is bound to end regardless of our feelings because of a circumstantial reason."

I closed my eyes tightly and dropped my head in defeat, "I know. I hate that you're making sense. I mean, if you had the chance to become immortal, would you take it?" I asked curiously, my head raised up to look at her thoughtful expression.

"Knowing that it's impossible and I would never be given that option in real life, I'd still say yes."

The side of my lips tugged upward, "Why?"

She shrugged nonchalantly, "I've lived my whole life in fear, the need to be accepted in a society, lying to myself instead of healing, I would take that time to really invest in myself, to relive my life the way I want it, and not to forget, you'll be there, I suppose," She waved her hand casually, "You're not that bad of a company, I wouldn't mind spending eternity with you."

I sent her a soft smile but it fell as soon as she spoke her next words.

"But no one is offering immortality here, the reality is I am going to die, today? Tomorrow? Who knows?? Maybe I'll live a long life, that doesn't answer the question about our relationship."

"I get it," I let my hands carry my head, my eyes staring down the table, my eyes closed, "I don't like thinking about it, but I get it. C— Can't we just—?" I hesitated.

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