#23 Water

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Heyoo, so umm, if you haven't read Hades yet umm🥺 there will be big spoilers from now on sooo👉👈 the choice is yours if you want to continue to read, or if you don't plan on reading Hades, it's totally cool.

But if you don't care about spoilers, then, by all means, enjoooooooy!

Casper's POV

I felt a burst of power when I saw a pack of wolves running towards me, their sharp teeth were bared at me and I knew exactly what was going to happen.

I stopped running and closed my eyes as I imagined what a strong barrier would look like, my toes felt cold and the tip of my fingers hardened. I opened my eyes and smiled proudly when I saw a wall of floating water in front of me. I was still clueless as to where the element was coming from, or how this all worked. Was it taken from the ground beneath me? Or did it come from within me?

The only answer I knew is that Water was there to help me.

One of the wolves paused and went around the barrier without difficulty.

Hmm, I didn't think this through...

I closed my eyes again and felt the barrier grow bigger and wider, then twirled around me until I was surrounded. That definitely kept them away from me, but some of them were stupid enough to test their bravery.

10/10 if you ask me...

Many of them managed to get their muzzles in before they were thrown by the strong water movement. The moment a wolf's nose slightly touched Kayla's side, I snapped.

Whatever happens next. . . I totally blame the wolves.

The small water barrier quickly got a premium update, it turned into a dangerous hurricane, my thoughts were out of control as I ran towards the pack gates, the ground beneath me was shaking. Kayla was dying.

I knew that if one second was wasted, all of this would've been for nothing. So, I didn't wait for another second when I forced the gates open and marched inside the pack grounds.

Since the water was clear from the inside, I could see all the wolves step away from me in panic.

I was met with a vast landscape, wolves were running away from me while I was impatiently searching for a certain someone.

Suddenly, someone caught my attention, a woman with long silky white hair was running towards me and stopped with at least 33 foot between us.

Her stance surely meant she was ready to attack when attacked, her hands began to exert glow and her eyes snapped opened, blinding white eyes stared back at me.

It seemed like she couldn't see me, because she was looking at the top of the hurricane, contemplating how to get rid of it.

"I am not here to hurt anyone!" I yelled out before it was too late.

She had a frown while looking around the barrier in confusion, "Who are you?? How can you say that when this thing can harm everyone?"

It's introducing time, go for it~

My heart pounded against my ribcage when I said the next few words, "I am Water, and I promise to disarm if you promise me safety!"

Oh, look how you've grown, I feel so accomplished!~

She didn't reply and stared straight at me as if she sensed my presence, then asked, "How can I offer you safety when ours is in jeopardy?"

"I don't have time for this," I muttered under my breath, then spoke louder while looking down at Kayla, "I mean you no harm, but I had to take drastic measures, you would've killed us before giving us a chance to speak!" Kayla winced and placed a hand over her stomach.

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