#31 Journey to The Past

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Casper's POV

"How did you know you were supposed to find me?" I asked while staring at the ceiling lazily, her head was resting on my right arm while her hand was on my chest, my fingers softly traced the skin of her shoulder and upper arm.

"I had a dream." She mumbled comfortably, "I dreamt about you, you were on top of a mountain— no, no, it was a cliff, and— I think you were creating waves in the ocean, and I was watching it from a third perspective, but then you looked right through me and said something, but it was almost silent, it was when I woke up that I heard the voice."

I felt chills run through my veins, "That's creepy. What did I say?"

She snickered and said in a deeper voice, "Come find me."

My eyes closed, "Oddly enough, I feel embarrassed."

"I told Old Man the same morning, and he contacted his friend, a Seer. When she saw me, she told me about an important mission and whatnot, I barely remember anything about that day, it was three years ago, all I can recall was her telling me to wait for the next three visitors who would accompany me to this journey, I told her that I'd rather work alone, but she insisted. So, I stayed day and night, waiting for someone to visit, the first one was Augustus, then Kate, and by the end of day two, Tiana came. As much as I hated the idea of forming a group, I listened. That's how we became a thing. I didn't dream about you again so, I had to draw you for reference. . . Which was. . . Well, I wasn't an artist, to begin with, it didn't help them at all, but your face was ingrained in my brain."

"So, you knew that day in the bakery." I stated with slight bewilderment.

She winked at me.

"If I pose for you now, would you draw me?" I teased and held back a laugh when I saw her contemplating the idea.

"I'd love to draw you like one of my French girls." She gave my neck a long sweet kiss, I looked down and saw her contented expression, pecking her lips gently before looking up again.

"Maybe someday." I sighed comfortably, "How did you convince them to follow you?"

"They were already convinced when they came out, I have no idea what she told them, but she made it easier for me. . . I hope they're alright." She mumbled the last part quietly.

"Yeah." I exhaled softly, "I doubt that psycho was interested in them. Let's hope they were left in that forest and went back to their old pack."

"We'll find out tomorrow."

"What I'm curious to find out now is your thoughts of our— uh, I— I mean your future," My heart skipped a beat when my tongue slipped, I didn't want her to think she was obliged to have a future with me, nevertheless of my opinion. I asked again, "What's going to happen after everything?"

"Everything? You mean once I return you, your sister and your friend back home?" She didn't reply to her own questions and cuddled closer.

For a second, I thought it was the end of our conversation, but her voice was heard when she spoke with a faint tone—

"I'm going to a spa! That's what's going to happen! Oh yes, a relaxing day to wash away all of the sweats and blood and tears that have accumulated!" She moaned loudly.

—Nevermind the faint tone, I heard her quite clearly. In fact, I believe I still hear her words ringing in my ear.

I groaned and pushed her away from me, "God, you're so loud."

"You weren't complaining earlier." Her wink made me blush.

"I still can't believe it happened." I confessed honestly, "Did we really do that?" And secretly pinched my skin to remind myself it was real. I was acting like a virgin teenager— Which, well, wasn't far off.  I am a virgin, however, not a teenager.

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