#28 Olivia

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TW: Mention of SA and su*side

Casper's POV

"Kayla, meet my sister, Cassidy and my best friend, Troy." I introduced them.

We stood outside, near the building we stayed in, the sun was warming my skin, thankfully I was given a new set of simple clothes, a thin-strapped white shirt and black bermuda shorts, flipflops were the only thing they could find in their storage to fit my size, but I wasn't complaining.

Kayla grinned at Troy, "Oh, the famous Troy, I know you quite a lot, Casper would always talk about you and your little quirky self."

It was the first time I've seen Troy shrug shyly, "There are more sides to me than just being quirky." Then sent her a quick wink.

I groaned. Of course, I should've known he wasn't shy, just polishing his game. I thought then sighed with fake disappointment.

Cassidy, on the other hand, wasn't much amused. In fact, annoyance was peeking through her nostrils, "Yeah, especially the idiot side, which takes up half of his personality." And walked away.

Yeesh, talk about handling your emotions poorly.

"Where are you going?" I asked, confused, but she ignored me and strolled away towards a random direction, as long as it was away from us- well, away from Troy, most likely.

I glared at Troy, expecting an explanation, to which he replied with, "I have no idea what just happened!" And raised his hands in surrender.

This idiot.

"Dude, did something happen between you and my sister?" I asked seriously. I wasn't going to get mad if they ended up being in a— whatever the hell they want to be in, but I wasn't going to allow drama to waltz in without me knowing.

Troy scoffed silly and ignored my eyes by looking at Kayla while pointing at me, "Can you believe this guy? Heh, okay cowboy, hold yer horses! Ah. . . No," He answered slowly, hesitating with each word which made him look like the worst liar, "Why- why would you think that?"

We stood there, staring at each other like an answer would come out of nowhere, and clearly, that worked, surprisingly.

"Okay, let's clear up the air, shall we?" Kayla chimed in, staring at Troy comically, "You clearly have feelings for Cassidy, you've always seen her as your best friend's sister up until your little adventure to find Casper, something has changed, with Casper out of the picture, you finally saw her differently and your feelings evolved, but now that you've found him, with both Cassidy and Casper in the same frame view, you feel awkward again. Am I right, darling?"

Troy stared at her, jaw dropped and amazed, "What's my favourite colour?"

She laughed, I gazed at him with wide eyes, "Dude! Is it true?! You have a thing for my sister? Cassidy Goodman? The sister of Casper Go-"

"Yes!" He exclaimed, then covered his face with his palms, "I'm sorry for breaking the bro code." He made sniffing sounds.

I punched his arms gently, "Dude, you should've told me. When was this? When did you start liking her?"

"I'll leave you boys to it, I think I'm going to find Cassidy." Kayla laid her hand on my shoulder before walking away, which sent a feeling that I decided to ignore.

"Well?" I asked after waiting for him to start.

He sighed and rubbed his ear, averting his gaze to the ground, "I like her, man."

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