#5 Surprise, darling

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As you can see. . . I had a bit of fun with Microsoft Word XD 

On today's menu, we have shitballs with clown noses and green strings. Bon Appetit.

It was only when I uploaded the photo that I noticed the names looked like moustaches lol 

Casper's POV

We settled down on the table with Augustus, Cassidy, Troy, and me on one side, and Kate, Tiana and mom on the other side, dad took a seat at the end of the table, facing all of us.

"I'm sorry, but I forgot your names," Mom smiled apologetically, "Who's who again?"

Tiana smiled in assurance, "Nah, it's fine. I'm Tiana, and this is Kate and Augustus." She introduced her friends again.

"And how old are you?" Dad asked, trying to seem interested.

There's one thing my dad doesn't like more than Pokémon Go, and that was socializing. He loathes it, and if he were given a choice to live near an erupting volcano instead of talking to people, he would go for the volcano.

"We're twenty-two." Kate answered instead.

"Hoho~" Augustus chuckled cheekily, giving Kate a mischievous side stare, "Our baby Kate is still twenty-one."

"Shut up," She narrowed her eyes at him, "I'll turn Twenty-two in two months." She held up two fingers.

"That's nice, the twenties is when you spend your best days," Mom commented with a dreamy smile, "Enjoy it while you still can. The highlight of my life happened while I was in my twenties; it's when Mr Goodman proposed to me."

The three friends smiled at mom's happy face as she explained the proposal until Cassidy decided to step in, "Wait, didn't dad propose to you on your thirtieth birthday?"

Mom's smile quickly fell, then let out a fake chuckle, both Cassidy and I gulped at this, "Honey~ I told you your father proposed to me the day before my birthday, so technically, I was still in my twenties."

Cassidy slid down her chair slightly and muttered lowly under her breath, "You were twenty-nine, three hundred sixty-four days old, not that much of a difference."

"Oh!" Mom's ears perked up, my eyes widened, thinking she heard Cassidy, then she asked, "I remember you told me you had another friend with you?"

Kate looked at my mom, "Kayla? Oh, she couldn't come; she got sick." Saying the last sentence slowly.

"Oh my," Mom gasped dramatically and covered her lips in worry, "Is she alright? Is it bad?"

Seriously? Was that necessary?

"She's fine." Kate assured her.

"We called the doctor," Tiana notified, "He gave us medicine for her, all she needed was to drink lots of water and sleep. It's only the flu. She said she wanted to come but didn't want to spread the virus."

"Poor thing! Well, if you need help with taking care of her, we'll be happy to assist." Mom offered kindly.

"Thank you, Mrs Goodman." Tiana nodded in acknowledgement.

Troy placed his fork down, then leaned his elbow against the table, he gave the girls a boyish grin, "Say, how long have you travelled?"

Tiana raised an amused eyebrow, "Years, we don't keep count."

His eyes widened, "Years!? Wow! How can you be away from home that long? I've always tried travelling, but I never managed to get away for more than a few days."

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