#25 Wide Awake

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Warning: Mention of sexual assault. And mega big spoilers if you haven't read Hades 👉👈

Casper's POV

"Uh, who are you, people?" I asked incredibly as I watched two heads peeking through the door.

"Do you think he's talking to us?" A woman asked.

"What? No way, we're perfectly hidden. He's probably talking to someone through the window— Why hi!!" The lady with curly hair stood straight once I opened the door wider for them.

"Can I help you?" I asked cautiously, assessing both of them slowly. One of them has straight black hair while the one in front of me reminded me of someone else.

"Oh, well, we heard about you guys and thought of paying our respects," Black hair laughed nervously, "So. . . You're Water, huh?"

I crossed my arms defensively and asked, "I thought I made it clear."

She nodded quickly, "Very clear."

I looked at the other one and saw her staring at me with a slight tilt in her head. She was studying me.

"Water," She mumbled, "Guess that's supposed to make us enemies in folk lore."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, "Enemies? I'm sorry, but I don't know you."

A hint of a smile touched her lips, "Who's supposed to be Water's enemy?"

I thought for a second but it didn't take me a long time to guess, "Fire?" My eyes widened when her smile stretched, "Fire. You're fire?!"

She snapped her finger, and for a part of a second, a quick smoke left the tip of her fingers before completely disappearing.

Earth, Fire, and Water. All in one place. Was this fate?

Ouch, Air always gets left out, poor guy~

"A—And do you know who's Air?" I asked excitedly.

Her fingers dropped, "Nope, but I did hear that he's the epitome of a lone wolf, lives alone, works alone."

I nodded silently while looking at her with intrigue, it felt like I have a lot to learn from her. I noticed the awkward quiet and stepped aside and waved at them to enter, "Oh, come in. What are your names, by the way?"

"Layla." The black hair woman spoke before walking towards Kayla's bed, looking down at her with interest.

"I'm Evangeline, but Evan is fine." The woman with curly hair responded, and followed Layla.

"Is she your girlfriend?" Layla asked.

I sighed and crossed my arms, "I hope so, guess we'll know when she wakes up."

Evangeline leaned closer to inspect Kayla's features, her frown deepened the longer she stared, "She looks familiar."

"She used to travel a lot, maybe you've seen her once?" I suggested.

She shook her slowly and didn't avert her eyes from Kayla's face, "No no, I've seen this face before. But where?" The question was directed more to herself.

I added, though I didn't think it was important, "Well, she grew up in a werewolf pack and was raised by an elder, what was his name again?" I tried thinking.

Evangeline staggered back in shock, "Elder Boman." She answered for me.

"Oh yeah! That's his name, how did you know?" I asked curiously.

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