#15 Denial

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Two chapters for today 'cause I'm feeling generous... and because I finished summer course, so I'm feeling good😁😊

Warning: Mention of sexual assault!! 

Casper's POV

My eyes opened. Blue. The screen was a blue shaking mess. A tightness gripped my chest as if I'm drowning. It made sense since everything was blue and moving and I looked up at the deep blue sky.

I tried swimming up to the surface, but the more I move, the deeper I dive.

What is this place?

Giving up on reaching the surface, I began assessing my surroundings, I knew I was under the water, but this was no typical one. It was as if someone was mixing different shades of blue inside a glass. My movements were slow.

Nothing, in particular, was interesting, but the scenery was surreal that it made me think this was all a dream.

But was it?

My breathing was peaceful, my vision was vivid and clear, even as I rubbed the tip of my thumb on my forefingers, I felt it.

Suddenly, I felt movement in the water, a slight wave that pushed me forward, it kept pushing and forcing me to take a step until something caught my toes and I stumbled down slowly.

Where am I?

I looked down at my feet, but instead of finding something, like a plant, stuck on my toe-

It was a hand. A hand that's pulling me down further.

I breathed in deeply after I came out of the water, my chest heaving and my ears clogged.

The sun shining down on me, my eyes opened and took a quick glance around me. I was still in the river. I am still in the river. I'm in the river.

It's been a month and I am here to finally connect with my powers with Kayla, I dove in the river and something happened down there. Something.

"Hell Casper, where did you go?" Kayla asked loudly, her face was wet, she pulled her hair back and took deep breaths.

Kayla didn't bring her swimsuit, so it took me a moment to register that she swam to find me. How long was I gone?

"How long was I down?" I asked curiously, my mind filled with questions that were being answered by my unwanted logic.

Her eyes focused on my chest which made me feel uncomfortable, "You're not breathing heavily." Then snapped her eyes to mine, recognition filled them, "You've been down for almost twenty minutes, when two minutes had passed, I called for you but you didn't answer," She was mostly talking to herself by now, as if taking notes, "I was afraid something happened so I jumped in to help, but I couldn't find you even!" Words came out with excitement, "You disappeared, I searched everywhere, I was this close to leaving for help but you casually swam up and don't look like you were holding your breath for half an hour. Shit." She breathed out with a wide smile.

"Okay," I raised my hands to calm her thoughts, "That doesn't mean anything."

She rolled her eyes but it didn't wipe the smile off her face, "Wasn't that enough proof? You wanted a reason to believe that you have powers-"

"I don't have powers." I insisted firmly.

She grinned at me, "Okay, maybe I should explain more on how this works, come on." Nodding her head to the right, we swam to the edge and sat down, I ignored the shirt that stuck on her figure and focused on my thighs.

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