#12 Sweet but Psycho

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I know Casper never felt this way towards Kayla before, but it's his first kiss so it's a really big thing for him, first intimate action tends to change people... He's that type of dude.

And I just finished two sappy romance novels, so yeah... Excuse my writing😂❤️

Casper's POV

I've always thought a kiss was a normal skin-to-skin contact, there would be no fireworks, no sparks, no nerve-wracking, stomach-dropping, heart-racing experience. Just a normal kiss.

I should've known better.

Kayla wasn't normal, anything that comes with her wouldn't be normal.

It was magical.

It's that moment when your heart pauses and the clock stops ticking, the world slows down and the only thing you focus on is the person initiating the intimate action. My lips were virgin, that didn't mean I wasn't aware of kissing, but it was fascinating how this girl managed to shake my soul and whole demeanour.

Her soft hands travelled to my hair and gripped them tightly, my arms instinctively went to her hips and pulled her closer, I wrapped my arms around her once I had her on my lap, one of her hands massaged my neck and then dropped to my chest, where my heart was beating fast.

It was a simple kiss.

Yet, there was nothing simple about it.

She bit my bottom lip and pulled back slowly, my eyes stayed closed as I felt her breath, "Open your mouth for me, okay?" She whispered lowly.

I fought the shiver and nodded obediently, slightly parting my lips as hers came back instantly, her tongue entered my mouth and I tensed.

Casper, control~

My eyes tightly shut, the grip on her hips tightened, and I felt her tongue dance with mine, I wanted to keep doing this, kissing her, it felt amazing! I couldn't stop myself from placing one of my hands on her cheek while the other rested behind her head, pulling her closer to me.

It went on for a few more seconds before everything shifted and I knew it was because of her, behind my closed eyes, I saw Jackson when we first met, it quickly shifted to my nightmare and then I was brought back to reality. 

She pulled back from the kiss, breathing heavily.

That was oddly fast~

I didn't like that. I wanted to kiss her again.

I watched her flushed cheeks, not knowing if it was from the kiss or the result of performing her magic. I kept my eyes on her while she cranked her neck then looked back, she shook her head, "It wasn't him."

I blinked a few times to pull my shit together and looked away, couldn't focus if I saw her face, "So, kissing was the alternative. Should've warned me." I realized the thumping was the sound of my heartbeat. Fuck.

She nodded and brushed her hair away from her pinkish face, "Yeah. Didn't think it was a big deal." She breathed out.

I looked back and gave her an intense stare, locking our eyes together. I knew Kayla was attractive, I fell for her beauty the moment I saw her, who wouldn't? But this unleashed infinite thoughts and imaginations. 

"Why are you staring at me like that?" She asked nervously, "It's not like it was your first kiss." That was her defence.

I didn't answer but couldn't look at her in the eyes anymore, dropping it to my lap.

"Oh," She breathed out, "It was."

What was I suppose to answer? How do I break an awkward tension?

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