#35 Brown Wings

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Ya'll really think the story would end without another steamy chapterrrrrr? Hmmmm?

As you all know how **Restricted chapter ** works, you'll find the book in my profile to read the more fruity and detailed chapter.

Casper's POV

Two months later~

"I'm heading out!" I announced to the house as I slipped on my shoes.

"Where?" Mom asked from the living room.

"To meet up with Kayla." I answered, turning my voice down a notch.

I heard her gasp, and then quick tiny footsteps followed, her hand waved at me to stop, "Wait! Wait. Before you go. Don't go, ha. Just wait. I want to give you something to give it to her." She entered the kitchen, "You didn't leave, right?! I will give you something."

"I don't wanna be late!" I whined aloud.

"Pedar sag, I said wait ya'ni wait!" She snapped sharply, causing me to flinch in my place.

"Son of a dog, I said wait, which means wait!" She snapped sharply, causing me to flinch in my place.

She appeared in front of me with a box and shoved it into my hands, so I asked, "What is this?"

"Anniversary cake." She answered while looking at me as if I was stupid for not knowing.

"What?!" I freaked out, "Who's anniversary are we talking about?"

"Her and our family's anniversary, Casper. This is a family tradition! She's joining the family from today, tell her to come for lunch tomorrow, okay? Okay. Khuda haafiz, habiby. Stay safe, don't be late." She didn't wait for a reply, pecked my cheek and returned to the living room.

*Khuda haafiz: May God be your protector.*

Family tradition. An amused grin touched my lips as I pictured Kayla's reaction. Upon recalling her name, I remembered the text she sent me and hurried out of the house.

"I have a surprise for you. It's something new that'll make you feel amazing ;)"


"What's this?" She asked, her eyes curiously zooming on the box. She was wearing a pink floral jalabiya that my mom had given her after the second time inviting her to our house, she insisted on introducing her to our culture if she wanted to date me.

"Anniversary gift." I smiled widely and entered the house confidently, removing my shoes with one hand.

I noticed her frozen figure and waited for her reaction, she slowly turned around and looked at me nervously, "Anniversary? Of course! Haha, our anniversary!" Her hands clapped once to disguise her confusion.

I couldn't help but laugh, "It's from my mom, she wanted to welcome you to the family and invites you for lunch tomorrow."

Her eyes closed softly, and she blew out an air of relief, "I thought I had missed something. So, your mama liked me the last time I went to your house?"

"Liked you? She couldn't stop talking about you! Ugh," I exaggerated a groan, "Kayla is so beautiful! Her eyes are huge. She laughs like an angel. It was like listening to a teenage girl obsessing over her crush who happened to look at her for more than three seconds."

Kayla blushed in appreciation and closed her front door before sauntering in the direction of her bedroom, "Jealous?" And flipped her hair swiftly.

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