#20 Hatred

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Casper's POV

"I feel dizzy." Kate slurred, her eyes drifting in and out of focus as we walked through the forest.

I tried balancing her body with mine as to not fall, but my grip on her waist was loosening, my footing was getting slippery, and I knew something was wrong.

"HeeEEY—" I tried calling Augustus but we both tripped and I ended up banging the front of my head on the ground, the dried leaves acting as a hard cushion.

I started to lose the feeling of my fingers, the hardest I could try was rubbing it on Kate, who was lying beside me stiffly, "Cas—per." She exhaled, the back of her head was facing me. It was then that I noticed the fog that lightly covered our faces.

"Hlmm!" I tried to groan, my voice muffled under the grass, I tried again when I turned my head to face Kate on my right, "Help!"

My vision was getting blurry as the first sign of blacking out reached my mind. Open your eyes! Keep them open God DAMN IT!

It was only then that I smelled a hint of acid that followed the fog. Control has left my body and I could no longer move an inch by now, I let out a small cry for help, "Wate—"


I opened my eyes tiredly, a massive headache attacked me in the first second, then the realization that my arms were tied at a 45° angle struck me, my wrists ached from the pressure since I was left standing. I cranked my head up, the tightness on my neck made it quite difficult.

I groaned, "Don't tell me I've been kidnapped again." My voice was hoarse and rough.

A soft cough caught my attention, "I won't."

I shut my eyes tightly before reopening them, I lifted my head up again and studied my surroundings. The first time I've been kidnapped, I woke up in a dark basement-like room. As I looked around, I can confidently say that this was a test lab by the tools.

There was a table in front of me that held a bunsen burner, test tubes filled a test-tube rack, tongs, a spatula, and other tools that clarified my suspicion.

I heard a small whine from the front and grimaced as a cranked my head up, even more, my neck fighting for some release, my eyes met a familiar face, "Kayla—" I choked on my spit and coughed for a short moment.

She was cuffed the same way I was, her head was resting on her shoulder while she spewed a few slurs, "I can't feel my butt."

"Kayla!" I whispered a call.

I noticed her eyes twitch as she opened them slowly, "Casper?" Her frown deepened in confusion as she studied the room, "What the hell?"

"We need to get out." I stated, my fear brought out the logical side of me.

"Yeah," She agreed then let out a small sound, "What the—"

I glanced at her hands as they clenched and unclenched, "What are you doing?"

"I'm trying to use my magic but I'm not strong enough," Her voice was slowly but surely panicking, eyes drifted from her left fist to the right one, "My mind is too drugged, I— I can't seem to—" The next words came out as struggle moans as she pulled at the chains.

"Try harder while I try to find something I can use," I said with no confidence, but the extra observation might come into use.

I was right, it did add a piece of information to my list but it wasn't useful. We were being watched.

"There's a camera at the top corner on your left," I informed, feeling useless, "You don't think we're going to be—" I gulped.

She stopped struggling with a defeated cry, "Tested? I don't think it's that hard to believe, though I doubt anyone knows about you."

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