#9 To Fly or Not To Fly

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Casper's POV

Seven days.

A week has passed with my usual routine.

Get up early. Eat a heavy breakfast. Workout with Augustus. History class with Tiana. Lunch. Train with Augustus. Dinner. Shower. Sleep.


Here I thought these people would go easy on me and have sympathy for the kidnapped guy, but nope! I have to beg for some free time.

No privacy, people, at all.

This place is even worse than my home! And that speaks volume.

Jackson backed off. Finally! The dude has been getting on my nerves, and his leaving was the best thing.

I stood by the window to enjoy the scenery and daydream.

"Hey, heard they gave you the day off today," Kayla leaned against the door frame, "Since you're free, want me to show you something cool?"

"You're a witch, I bet anything you do would turn out impressive." I replied back.

She chuckled and shrugged, "That is utterly correct! C'mon." She waved at me to follow.

I hesitated, my mind drifted off, thinking about how my relationship with my kidnappers changed. Especially Kayla. One day I was hating her, then I was- not?

Weird feeling, I know.

My brain kept telling me to be careful around them, that I could never trust them.

But everything else in me was going against my brain. If I closed my eyes, I could imagine an epic war going between them. My brain would wear titanium armour- 'cause titanium is better than gold- and the other parts of my body would be wearing clothes while holding spikes and torches.

And although my brain had a better defence, the majority had determination and faith in- I don't know, but they believe in something.

I let out a breath and followed her outside the house, Kate was on the ground with her legs crossed like a pretzel, meditating. Augustus was on Kayla's beach chair with his reading glasses, a book, and a pen, probably writing his story that he talked about during dinner. Tiana was nowhere to be found, but my guess would be the library.

"Where are you guys going?" He asked without lifting his eyes from the paper.

"Somewhere." Kayla answered and winked at me before jogging towards the forest.

"Casper?" He asked.

I looked at him and shrugged, "Somewhere." I simply answered. Like I know where we were heading, pah-lease.

I watched her tiny figure excitingly skip between the trees and bushes, her wavy strawberry blonde hair trialling behind her along with me.

"Seriously," I asked after we a few minutes, "Where are we going?"

She tilts her head up and said, a smile was hinted in her tone, "I want to show you something. You've been working your arse off this week and a relaxing day is exactly what you need."

I exhaled as I walked faster to reach her, "You know, laying on my bed is relaxing for me, I would've enjoyed that way better than this."

"But you don't even know what this is." She replied back.

"So, tell me, where are we going?" I insisted.

I wasn't going to walk to wherever she was taking me without knowing how valuable it was going to be for me.

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