#1 Wildcat

262 13 7

Casper's POV

I woke up when the sound of my sweet mother's yelling passed through my bedroom door; no pillow or blanket could shield me from the deathly tone.

I groaned loudly when my lovely quilt got snatched from me, which left me with a chilly body; the cool air-conditioned bedroom left me shivering and pushing my tired arms in search of my beloved blanket.

"Casper! Get up!" It turned out, the enemy wasn't my mom, it was my demonic sixteen years old sister, Cassidy.

"I swear to God if you don't leave-" The bugger interrupted me with her annoying voice.

"I don't care what you'll do, Cascrap, as if. You got chores to do!" She demanded, receiving a hateful glare from me.

"I fed the chickens yesterday," I grumbled under my breath, a shiver crawled up my spine when a cold wind passed through me from my AC.

"Well, FYI, there are other things to do, and if you don't wake up, mom will let me do it by myself—" She pushed my shoulders then slapped my forehead, "So, wake up!"

"I swear we found you near the trash, and you shouldn't have convinced mom to keep you. Biggest mistake." Her eyes narrowed at my words, and I thrust my tongue at her before giving her my back, "Fine, I'll get up, now leave my room before I kick your ass!"

After a while, I forced myself to remove myself from the bed and drag my half-dead body to the bathroom. When I freshened up, I stepped downstairs towards the kitchen where a heart-melting breakfast was made— KIDDING! The only thing served was scrambled eggs and toast bread. Cassidy was munching on her bland cereal while dad was eating an egg and cheese sandwich, sipping on his karak after every bite, reading an article from today's newspaper. Mom got herself fresh green juice to start her day, very into the detox thing. I have no idea what she's talking about.

I took a seat beside Cassidy and poured myself a glass of water, it often happens when I wake up, and the hunger doesn't settle in yet, it gets into action after half an hour or so. Though that's something mom couldn't understand.

"Aren't you hungry?" Mom asked worriedly. Cassidy rolled her eyes at her question while dad continued with his reading, paying us no attention.

I shook my head with a tired smile, "Nah, I'll eat something later."

"But you're so thin, and you don't eat much nowadays, how are you not hungry? No, no, I won't allow it this time—" As if she ever did, "—I'll make you something. What do you feel like eating?" Her eyes didn't waver from mine for a second, waiting for an answer.

I let out a chuckle, "Seriously, mom, I'm not hungry."

She shook her head disappointingly, then glared at me with her feisty Persian eyes, "You and your sister are one, I don't understand teenagers these days trying to starve themselves to stay thin. There's nothing attractive about a skeleton. Trust me."

I sighed in defeat, "Alright, I'll eat."

I wasn't necessarily thin, but I wasn't a man hulk- given your average height- I was considered slim fit, but obviously, mom doesn't see me that way, she wanted my squirrel cheeks and baby fats to return. After forcing myself to eat a cheese sandwich, I returned to my room and changed into work clothes, consisting of a white shirt, an overall, and brown boot. You can say I looked like your typical farmer.

After shovelling horse shit and watering the plants, I went back inside to shower, then changed into a blue shirt and jeans, putting on a pair of white socks, I took my wallet, phone, and headphones, and jogged downstairs, "I'll go pick up Troy from the station, want anything from the way?" I asked mom, who was ironing clothes.

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