#18 Confrontation

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Casper's POV

I wish this was all a long dream.

"Oop! Watch your step." Kayla said, a little too late.

I pulled myself up after tripping and gave her a sarcastic grin, not finding the situation as funny.

Kayla was back to her usual self, I see.

I rolled my eyes at her when he bit back a laugh and wiped my hands on a large tree. What is this?

I have a theory that it might be an animal's remnants that made a trip through the back door~

"I need to take a shower." I demanded horrified.

My mistake, it is only dirt mixed with water, I am sure you know the scientific terminology for that~

The three werewolves ignored me as they continued to plan their plans, to find a way to get in the pack, to build a strategy. Kayla took the role to accompany me.

"I think the colour suits your personality," She said thoughtfully, before snickering.

I stared at her blankly.

She stared back with double blanks.

We stared at each other with blanks all around us.

She chuckled and covered her eyes, "I can't be serious while you're covered in dirt." The side of my lips tugged upward.

I wasn't covered, but my knees looked like they went through massive sunburn.

"I'm serious." For some reason, it didn't make me gag and it was probably from the years of horse shit shovelling, and Kate's teaching method that strengthens my gag reflexes. It doesn't stop the foul smell.

"You can clean yourself," She noted, "Remember your element, you're surrounded by plants and trees, it's filled with water. Think."

I groaned loudly, "Kayla." I whined.

She shrugged nonchalantly, "C'mon Casper, these situations are a perfect example of when to use your powers for your own benefit, though I know there are better reasons, there is no harm in trying."

An idea popped inside my head, a smile covered my lips as I jogged towards the trio, "Hey, can one of you turn to their wolf form and lick me clean?"

Okay, so, it wasn't the best idea.

"What?" Augustus gave me a confused look, then did a quick check-up before shaking his head.

Augustus wasn't fun when he's in leader mode.

Tiana sent me a cringed look while Kate had a thoughtful one, "Why don't you clean yourself?"

"Because I'm not a dog." I answered obviously.

Everyone. Stopped. Walking.

Nope! I am not changing what I said, I am owning it and I don't care if it ends up with me carrying our stuff.

I heard Kayla snickering quietly behind me.

"I really want to be offended but I'm not. Let's carry on then." Kate informed normally before walking.

Tiana and Augustus narrowed eyes gave one last glare before walking away.

"You know," Kayla started, "You can still try—cleaning yourself, I mean."

"This is who I am now!" I snapped, "A twenty-three-year-old man who's stuck being. . . Icky." A frustrated sigh left my lips.

So you have chosen. . . Icky?~

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